New Relationships

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"I would like to talk to you about something" Chikako said before walking away. Kakashi lifted an eyebrow before following Chikako to wherever they were going.

Chikako finally stopped walking when she stood on top of the Hokage's heads looking out into the village. People were bustling around. A few people opened their shops for a bit hoping the visitors would but their products.

"It's nice here" Chikako said quietly startling Kakashi.

"Yeah" he answered absentmindedly.

"It's been almost eight months since I came here" Chikako hesitated when her eyes landed on some students from the academy walking around with their parents.

"I'm leaving" she blurted out. Her voice didn't sound panicked at all. If anything it was completely empty. If Kakashi hadn't heard it before he would've missed the sadness in her voice. It reminded him of the first time he heard it.

"Goodbye big brother" an image of Chikako laying almost dead in the snow flashed across his eyes.

"Why?" He asked. There was slight panic in his voice, but he had to much pride to express anything else.

"Danger comes. Sasuke's mark is too dangerous. I will kill them before they kill the people of this village" Chikako said turning her head slightly to the side. Glancing at Kakashi.

"The ninja of this village are strong. We can protect this village with your help" Kakashi pleaded.

"No. My secrets are too deep" Chikako replied. Her soft voice being taken by the wind.

"After this test I will leave. Do not try to stop me. It's for your own good. You are welcome to anything I have in my possession" She continued. Kakashi furrowed his brow.

"You know I'll try and stop you. Why would you tell me?" Kakashi questioned in a quiet and deadly voice. Chikako stayed quiet not answering his question.

Kakashi stepped forward as Chikako turned around. She spread her arms out and tipped back. She fell head first down towards the ground.

Kakashi's eyes widened and he looked down the Hokage's heads. She was gone.

Chikako watched as Kakashi worriedly hurried towards the edge of the heads. She was sitting in a tree behind him. Earth clone jutsu.

Chikako woke up in the midst of a fever. She was remembering a few days ago when she told Kakashi she was leaving. It was morning already. Sasuke was no doubt awake and Kakashi is looking for her.

"It was nice while it lasted, but I know more than you. It's best to be ignorant" Chikako whispered to herself. Doing her best to push through the aching in her bones and the extreme pain that flooded her body, Chikako moved at a steady pace away from the village.

Chikako fell to her knees and curled into a ball. Forcing a curse to another's body aggravates it. Chikako had to go through the same thing Sasuke did, but her pain was doubled because she wasn't the original receiver of the curse mark.

Despite the pain Chikako staggered to her feet. once more She was wobbly, but able to move. She needed to continue on. 

She walked well past nightfall. Panting and sweating, she collapsed in the middle of the forest. Chikako was exhausted. The pain hadn't subsided even a little. She was strong, but everyone had their limits.

Chikako decided to rest there. She called upon the earths chakra to make bushes around her to hide her presence. Chikako tried to sleep, but the pain kept her in a trance like state. Half asleep, but able to feel every bit of the pain.

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