Kakashi's sister

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Upon hearing the male yell, the rest of the team joined Sasuke at the porch door. With a deep sign of resignation, Kakashi stepped out on to the porch next to Sasuke. The older male let his eyes scan the place that his sister grew up in with somber eyes.

It was an incredibly beautiful view, and he might have been able to enjoy it if it was under different circumstances. The pure white snow delicately outlined everything it blanketed, from the pearlescent white blossoms on the tree to the scenic rock waterfall.

Sasuke's eyes landed on the gravestone that stood proudly out of the snow. He didn't need to read the engraving to know it was her deceased Mother. His feet moved on their own towards the memorial. With the gentleness of a mother holding her child, he wiped the snow off the top of the grave so the whole thing would be visible.

Moving his gaze from the yard to the porch, Kakashi eyed a large pile of snow. It resembled one of the chairs that were covered in snow at the front of the house. For some reason he didn't think it was a chair. His curiosity got the better of him and the male walked over to the pile of snow. As he looked down, he saw something reflect a bit of moonlight in his eyes. He bent down and moved the snow away from the object only to come face to face with a familiar weapon.

Kakashi's heart stopped when he realized it was Ryu Kogarashi's sword. With all the speed he could muster, Kakashi brushed the snow off the pile of snow.

"Guys!" He shouted. Soon enough he touched skin. It was freezing. It didn't take him long to realize it was Chikako that was buried in snow. Her skin was deathly pale, and her skin was as cold as ice. He would have thought she was dead if it were not for the subtle shivering.


"One of you start a fire now!" He ordered. Naruto ran inside to get one started as Kakashi picked the girl up and ran inside with her in his arms.

"Go find some blankets!" Sakura immediately ran out of the living room to search every room and closet for some blankets. Soon she returned with a large comforter and a few other fur blankets. All the while Sasuke and Kakashi were checking on Chikako's physical condition.

"She's hardly breathing, and her body is in initial stages of frostbite" Kakashi deduced. He was no doctor or nurse, but he knew for sure that she was in bad condition.

"Sasuke, write a note to the Hokage and ask her what we should do" The black-haired boy got up and began scribbling on a piece of paper as fast as he could. Then he went outside and whistled to call a messenger bird. He tied the note to its leg and sent it on its way.

Within a few minutes the fire was started, and Chikako was rolled up in numerous blankets. Kakashi cradled her head which he placed in his lap. He ran his hands all over her shoulders and face to try and bring some color back to her cheeks. The man was frantically moving his hands in hopes that it would wake her up faster.

The group eventually all calmed down and were gathered in the living room around the fire. Chikako was still in her cold, wet kimono, but it didn't occur to any of them at that moment. They were just focused on warming her up.

"It's... it's... Chikako" Naruto stuttered. It was the first time they had ever seen her face, and they were all shocked to say the least.

Her face was an unbelievably beautiful copy of Kakashi's. If they were not so different in age, one might have thought they were twins. Her features were all very symmetric and soft. The numerous scars around her eyes were a dark red color. The sight almost made Sakura vomit. Her eyes looked like someone carved them out. If they didn't know any better, they would have thought she was missing her eyes. A few other small scars were visible on her collarbone and neck, but they hardly compared to the ones on Chikako's face. Not even one of them had ever seen an injury so horrific.

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