New Relationships

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Chikako spent the next hour or so meditating in her room. It was still awhile before she needed to train with her team. A few knocks pulled Chikako out of her trance like state. Only getting up to unlock it, Chikako didn't bother to open it before sitting back down in her same position and closing her eyes. Whoever it was opened the door and stepped in.

"Hello" Called a raspy voice. Chikako nodded her head in response to the hesitant voice. It was silent again for a few moment, before they spoke once more. 

"I was told you would be in here." They continued. Chikako didn't need to look at them to know who it was. Without sparing a single glance at the door, she got up and began to make tea for both of them.

"Sit" She said. It probably sounded like an order to anyone else, but it seems this person understood that it was a simple invitation to come in and make themselves at home.

"Gaara" the red head said.

"Chikako" the two of them exchanged only a handful of words before Chikako sat down across from Gaara and handed him some tea.

"Why did you come?" Chikako asked.

"You don't remember?" Gaara asked. His voice held a sad undertone. Of course she remembered him. She was just curious as to why he was in the leaf village

"I remember. We met the same year my mother died. I wandered to your village badly hurt and you took care of me. You were discriminated against in your village like I was" Chikako said remembering her time with Gaara. A small smile made its way to her childhood friends lips. He leaned forward and hugged her as best as he could across the small table. She returned the gesture happily. They stayed like that for what seemed like forever before they both pulled away after a quick squeeze.

Gaara was like her. She was a scared little girl who didn't understand why she was hated and he was the same when they met. Because of that, they started to take care of one another.

 She was being hunted by the Kogarashi clan and she had just escaped a run in with some particularly nasty members. She had a gaping hole in her stomach from a stab wound as well as cuts all around her eyes. She was tired, hungry, and injured. Chikako was just about at the border of the Village hidden in the Sand when she passed out. Gaara ended up finding her and brought her home and took care of her the best he could. 

When she woke up the Kazekage tested her powers. When he saw the enormous amount of chakra she held the man decided to keep her. Gaara and her were always alone so it didn't take long before they became silent friends. They would follow each other around everywhere, they slept in the same bed, and they played ball together. All was well for a few months until the Kogarashi clan caught wind of where she was staying. Chikako might have had a large amount of chakra, but that didn't mean she knew how to use it yet. That made her an easy target especially since her enemy knew that.

The Kogarashi clan tried to buy Chikako off, and the Kazekage was easily convinced. However, by the time they came to pick her up she was gone. All they saw was a large wall of sand and a red haired boy sitting in front of it with his arms crossed.

Chikako stood up and made her way to the drawer she keeps her treasure box in. Gaara's present was the first thing she ever put in there. It was a small glass bottle full of sand. Chikako grabbed it and spilled the contents on the table in between them. Gaara smiled fondly at it as she opened the small glass bottle. The two of them watched as the sand gathered into two small figures. The two figures danced and played together for about a minute before the sand collapsed and slithered back into the bottle.

"Come Ra-kun. I'll walk you around the village" Chikako offered using the nickname she gave her old friend.

"Sounds good Chi-chan" he responded using his own nickname.

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