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Chikako sighed once again and left the Hokage tower. As always she left her stuff behind.

"And where are you going?" Chikako turned around to see Kakashi standing there with his team next to him.

"I'm going to find my teachers" Chikako answered and walked past them.

"Running away won't help anyone" Naruto yelled.

"Who said I wasn't coming back?" Team sevens eyes widened a fraction. Smiles (or a smirk if your a duck ass) made their way to their faces.

Chikako continued to walk on, but stopped.

"Don't just stand there" her voice was cold and hard, but this was Chikako after all. As they began walking Naruto was already voicing his excitement.

"So what's your teacher like?" When Naruto asked Chikako stopped dead in her tracks.

"Let's just say I listen to Hikari because I want to. Compared to Hikari or Tsunade she's a demon" team seven all stopped in their tracks. Now, instead of excited Naruto was trying to run back home. Chikako sighed and continued to walk.

They passed through a few towns and whatnot before they reached the edge of a mountainous village. Looking out there were a few small mountains that could be mistaken for tall hills. However, in the middle was a large mountain whose tip reached past the sky.

"Mount Shisha or mountain of death. Sensei lives at the top. Let's go" Chikako walked off again as the other four stood gawking. Yes, Kakashi was gawking. In his own weird masked pervert kind of way.

And so it begins.

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