Kakashi's sister

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Chikako and Lee were seemingly joined at the hip while they were in the hospital. Lee would talk about himself and Guy-sensei while Chikako listened and nodded along. It was an odd relationship, but it seems to work out for both of them. The only times Chikako would really talk was when she asked about a taijutsu technique. Lee would happily explain and then go on to talk about all the times he used it.

Sadly, Chikako was out of the hospital before Lee was. She would come every morning when she did her routine as a nurse, to visit the boy.

The idea of telling Kakashi about herself was weighing on her mind. She wanted to tell him, but she was still unsure. Kakashi was spending a lot more time with her as well and she wondered if it was because if the accident. What really surprised her was when Kakashi offered to cook for her.

That's how she ended up sitting in Kakashi's kitchen watching him cook like a domesticated househusband. He was wearing a grey apron and was standing over the over stirring something. They both sat in silence for awhile. It wasn't awkward though, it was the comfortable kind of silence.

"Do you mind me asking a question?" Chikako spoke. It was the first time she had asked him a question so he made sure she knew he was paying attention.

"If you had family you didn't know about would you want them to tell you?" She asked. Kakashi was a bit taken by surprise, but he guessed she must be thinking about her family member if she was asking that.

"I would have to say yes. In this world it's best to know who's there for you and who you need to protect" Kakashi answered. Chikako nodded and he want back to cooking. They both enjoyed another meal together while not looking at the others face. The whole thing wasn't really a big deal to either of them. 

As they ate Chikako took note of how big Kakashi's house was. It wasn't huge, but rather a perfect size for two... 

Chikako returned to her room in the Hokage with a full stomach. She changed into her sleeping clothes and slipped on Sakura's gift before falling asleep.

Chikako had grown rather close to team seven. She would often find herself eating ramen with Naruto or shopping with Sakura. If Chikako saw Sasuke she would invite him along on her stroll. There were more than a few time that she found her self laying next to Shika watching the clouds, or training with Hinata.

She and team seven went on missions often. The missions where them needing to catch some kind of animal were the most entertaining. The four of them would have mics on and they would hide while Kakashi gave them directions that sounded like they were in battle. Naruto was almost always the one to catch the animal. However, animals don't seem to like him very much.

Chikako even introduced them to one of her summons. He was a small little goat named Shloop. He seems to stick to Naruto a lot. Most likely because Naruto liked feeding him random things. Shloop was like a black hole. He would eat anything and everything much like Naruto, unironically.

She also brought out her only other goat summon, Kikli. He was a lot more tame then Shloop and tended to just snuggle up by Chikako's side. He had a tendency to kick people he didn't like. When he rammed Sakura with his back legs, Chikako left really bad.

Team seven was once again on an escort mission. They needed to make sure a boy made it through a race for his clan safely. Chikako stayed silent never saying a thing. She figured the other could handle it. when they made it to the shore and the opposing green haired ninja showed up Chikako made sure that all the poison needles hit her. The other needles would hurt, but it won't kill them.

They all made it to the finish line thanks to Naruto. Chikako was impressed with the whole situation. Team seven stayed a night at an inn. They would have to travel by boat to make it back to the village, but none were running at this time of night.

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