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Kuroitora walked out of the building with Chikako sitting comfortably in his arms. Everyone was already outside socializing. When a Naruto saw her she shouted in anger.

"You guys must be the ones who fought Orochimaru and Kabuto! Are you okay?" He asked. His voice was loud and full of worry. Neji, Lee, Sasuke, Riaga, Ronmaru, and Tenten seemed to be just as worried as Naruto.

"My Lady is fine. My sister and I took them down quite easily" Naruto was impressed by Kuroitora yet he was jealous.  He wanted to carry Chikako.

"I wanna carry Chikako" Naruto whined like a cute kid.

"I wish to carry her as well!" Lee shouted. Though Neji and Sasuke would never admit it they agreed with the two loud mouths.

"I will be carrying My Lady. I will be at her side at all times starting from now" He told them. The beast was very social at the moment it seemed. Not the raging beast Chikako thought he was. She softened her face. He was just lonely. Just like her.

They made their way towards the village hidden in the leaves. Orochimaru has been dealt with, but something didn't feel right. It seems Kuroitora felt it to because he stopped and put Chikako down.

A loud tick sound rang through the forest. Chikako's eyes widened.

"Get down!" She said. Everyone stopped and looked at her funny. She used a wind jutsu to hold them down.

A loud boom followed by a wave of heat went through the forest. Dammit. When the wave of heat died down Chikako let everyone stand.

"What was that?" Naruto yelled.

"It was an explosion moron" Sasuke answered. This sparked a fight between the two. Chikako shook her head.

"It doesn't matter. Both of them are dead. Their heads hit the ground." Kuroitora said. Chikako nodded.

"If it's something important we can deal with it later. For now we should head back. I have some reading to do" Chikako told them.

Before they began running again a puff of smoke came from Kuroitora. A small white blur jumped from the cloud and landed on Chikako's shoulder.

Everyone's eyes stuck to the tiger on Chikako's shoulder. He had a small symbol on his forehead and thirteen tails whipped around him. Everyone's mouth hung open. Besides Chikako's of course. The little tiger shrugged and looked at them with big innocent eyes.

"It's easier to travel and avid suspicion like this. Besides, I'm cute" Chikako let a small chuckle leave her lips. He was nothing like she thought.

Within a few days the whole gang returned back to Kohana. Chikako, naturally, was the one to give the report.

"I see. I already gave Riaga  and Ranmaru permission to stay here and I'm glad you've been able to come to terms with your own power." Lady Tsunade said. Everyone left the room besides Chikako and the small tiger on her shoulder.

"I gained access to Orochimaru's reanimation jutsu." Chikako said bluntly. Tsunade's mouth hung open. Seriously. These people need to keep heir shock in cheek.

She laced her fingers together and laid her head on them.

"I see.  how did you come to posses this information?" The Hokage was suspicious. That's only natural.

"He caused us some problems in the past. That's why My lady and I sought him out. As for how she learned it, its a simple matter of her Sharingan" Kuroitora answered. Chikako nodded along. Grateful that he caught on. She had secrets no one needed to know.

Tsuande nodded and dismissed the pair but it seemed Chikako needed something else.

"I would like to share a house with Hikari, Riaga and Ronmaru" Lady Tsunade's eyes widened. Chikako was always a loner type. Her wanting to share a house is a bit odd. Tsunade was glad that she was finally opening up.

With a nod, keys, and directions Chikako left the Hokage's office. She went back to her old room and put everything in a storage scroll before heading out to look for her soon-to-be roommates.

The small Kuroitora jumped up on top of Chikako's head and laid down. She didn't pay any mind to him being there. Hikari was rather easy to find. He was living in the room next to hers.

Chikako knocked on the door once. It took a few seconds, but Hikari opened the door with messy hair and his glasses on.

"Did you need something Chikako?" He asked softly.

"We'll be living together with two other people" Hikari's eyes sparkled. He let Chikako quickly put all of his things in another scroll before he linked arms with her and all but skipped out of the Hokage tower with Chikako calmly walking beside him.

The pair didn't need to walk around the town for long before they found Riaga with Ranmaru on his back in a weapon shop. She explained the situation and they both agreed.

"Who is he?" Riaga asked.

"This is Hikari. A close friend. Him and his sister helped me in the past, he is not dangerous." Riaga nodded along to Chikako's explanation.

"Oh my gosh! He's so cute!" While Chikako was talking Hikari spotted Ronmaru and snuck next to him.

Ronmaru sheepishly smiled. He wasn't used to getting attention.

Hikari talked to Ronmaru and Riaga, mostly Ronmaru, as they made their way to their new house.

Chikako finally stopped at a house near the forest by the training grounds. It was a nice wooden house with two stories. A red brick path led to a nice redwood door.  Two large trees stood in front of the house. One even had a small rope swing.

They all stepped inside after Chikako opened the doors. The inside was furnished with black couches and even a small piano to. As you walked further into the house you would find a kitchen with hardwood floors and white countertops. A small window was placed above the sink looking out into the forest. To the left of the kitchen was a dining table. A read wood table with matching chairs sat in the middle of the open space. Behind the table, was a door leading to the backyard. Even further to the left was the living room. A large bookshelf covered one of the walls with a small end table next to it. The whole wall facing outside was made or glass letting the light shine down on two more black couches and a glass table. The second level was where all the bedrooms are. Right at the top of the stairs was a room with a bed, a bedside table, and a dresser. 

The walls were a dark shade of red. The next room had light brown walls with the same furniture. At the end of the hall was the last two rooms. One had gentle silver walls and the last was a light purple color. Each room had their own bathroom and tubs. The countertops were the same white material as the kitchen counters.

Everyone picked their own rooms quickly. Riaga to the brown room, Hikari to the red room, Ronmaru to the purple room, and Chikako to the silver room. Chikako released the objects in the scroll in Hikari's room. Then did the same to her own. The rest of the day was spent shopping for the house and things to decorate Ranmaru and Raiga's room with. 

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