New Relationships

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Gaara and Chikako clashed as two destructive forces. While they fought, Temari and Kankuro got back up. The two of them began to fight together, making it a lot harder on the two males. Neji was trying to help, but Sasuke would mess up his attacks and blame Neji for being in the way. They began to fall on the loosing side. 

"Sand tsunami!" Gaara yelled. Chikako used a very large version of her wind card jutsu to cut the sand tsunami in half, making it fall limp on either side of her. They fought for quite a bit before Chikako got distracted by Sasuke yelling in pain. The curse mark was taking over. Neji got thrown into the stone wall harshly by Sasuke. This gave Gaara enough time to trap Chikako in a sand coffin. 

The crowd held their breaths as they waited to see what happened. Suddenly Gaara's team and the boys on Chikako's team began sink into the ground. The dirt had become mud and was sucking them down. Not a single one could get out despite their struggling. The sand fell from around Chikako as Gaara lost concentration. 

"Forfeit now" Chikako warned. Temari and Kankuro refused, but Gaara stayed silent. 

"Forgeit now" She repeated. When they refused again, Chikako sent a swift blow to Kankuro and Temari's necks and knocked them out cleanly. 

"What's your choice?" Gaara could see a faint glow of red and pink from behind her veil. 

"You win" He admitted. 

The mud rippled before it hardened. They all broke out of the ground as Chikako escaped the arena in seconds. 

She rushed to a quiet place as the test wrapped up. She didn't care about if she went up a rank or not. There was a good chance she would have to leave again. 

Based on the tests she had done with Sasuke's blood, Chikako was sure she could transfer the curse mark to herself without failure. The only problem would be the pain. It was likely that she would be visited by some unwanted company due to the extreme pain. Chikako may have been hurt many times in her life, but pain was pain. 

Hours passed before Chikako let herself in Gaara's teams room through the window.

"Ra-kun?" Chikako asked as she entered. All three pairs of eyes snapped to the girl instantly.

"Ra-kun?" Kankurō asked. Gaara sighed and walked over to Chikako.

"Chi-chan. I never introduced you to my siblings did I?" He asked more to himself then to Chikako.

"Chi-chan?" Kankurō repeated. Chikako bowed.

"My name is Chikako. I was friends with your brother when I was young. He saved my life" she said. Chikako lifted her head to see Kankurō's and Temari's eyes wide.

"I-is the the girl you used to talk about Gaara?" Kankurō yelled. Gaara blushed and nodded. Temari waked up to Chikako and grabbed her hand. She shook it furiously.

"Nice to meet'cha. I'm Temari!" She chirped. Chikako nodded. The four of them talked, well Temari and Kankurō asked Chikako questions and she answered with short responses.

"Ra-kun. I need to talk to you" Chikako said. She grabbed Gaara's hand and led him out of the room and into the hallway of the inn.

"Is something wrong?" He asked. Chikako pulled him into a hug. It surprised the male, but he hugged her back after he got his senses back. 

"It was nice to see you again." She said. This worried Gaara. The way she said that gave him a bad feeling. 

"What's wrong?" He asked again. Chikako released him. 

"Nothing. Everything is fine" She murmured. 

She made her way back to her room in the Hokage tower after she left Gaara's room. She took a nice hot shower before sinking into the bath. Chikako put on her black muscle shirt on and her shorts. She didn't bother with her kimono top and chest plate. Her normal shoes were abandoned in the corner of her room and instead she wore simple sandals. She wanted to be as light as possible. At the last second she decided to wear the red kimono top Sakura got her for the winter celebration. Chikako left it untied and open. With her silk veil being the last thing she donned, she left her room. 

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