Kakashi's sister

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Naruto held his hands up in defense, but when nothing hit him or exploded he looked at the ground. The girl threw a scroll at his feel. Naruto bent down to pick it up and opened it. His eyes went wide.

"Y-you" he stuttered. Just as he said that the girl fully walked into the light to reveal Chikako with her cloak and veil on. Her body was still in the same eerie position.

"I didn't... I didn't mean..." Naruto kept stuttering.

"What are you doing Chikako? Our mission is to save him and to kill the odd eyed demon! Get yourself together!" Kakashi yelled angrily. He cut off Naruto. The blonde was still trying to process everything.

"You don't understand! You never will! I was right to never tell you! You worthless piece of shit" Chikako yelled and shot her head up to make eye contact with them.

Naruto slowly stepped backwards. He had never been this scared in his life, and of his friend no less.

"What are you doing?" Sakura yelled, alarmed.

"You!" Chikako screamed.

"You're always hanging over Sasuke. Always crying when he's hurt. Well guess what! I was always that person. I was the one crying over my mothers dead body when this monster of a mans father killed her. He killer her because he wanted to! I was the one crying over the ones I loved most. The difference is they never came back. They stayed dead." Chikako screamed. Sakura took a step back and brought her hands to her mouth in shock. She was speechless. The former Kogarashi clan leader had killed Chikako's Mom? And they were supposed to protect him from their friend?

"You. Uchiha. Say something!" She haughtily spoke; ending her words with a scoff .

"I have nothing to say to the likes of you" Sasuke grumbled.

"Just as I expected." Chikako chuckled darkly.

"You want to restore your clan, yet you throw the members away like trash when you feel like it. Itachi is better than you in every way! At least he knows how to treat people" Chikako panted. Tired from her outburst. Sasuke ran at her.

"What do you know?" He yelled as he powered his chidori. Chikako was able to manifest a similar lightning jutsu quicker and stronger. Both attacks collided, but Chikako's jutsu sent Sasuke flying into the wall she had crashed into when Naruto attacked her. The male groaned in pain as he held his injured shoulder. 

"I was there when Itachi killed everyone! I ran away from my Mom while we were on a trip to visit Fathers grave. I wanted to know what her clan was like. I saw every single person killed in cold blood. I can still remember the feeling of my uncles blood running down my face. I hardly had any memories from when I stayed there with Mom when I was two, but his face as he died is seared into my brain. I see it every time I close my eyes" Chikako's breathing was frantic. Panic began to overtake the girl. She then looked at Naruto next.

"You out of everyone you should know how I feel. Being kicked out and shunned for who you are. I never asked for these eyes the same way you didn't ask for the nine tailed fox to be inside you. You should know out of everyone here the aching cold of being alone. When everyone around you resents your very existence because of something you can't control. I was tortured in village after village just for my eyes. I haven't stayed in one place longer than six months because of these people. This monster sent his men after me again and again just because his father was killed, and justly so." Naruto was speechless. He know they didn't know much about Chikako, but this? This was crazy. The worst part was he knew exactly what she was talking about. He's felt the cold. Been smothered in it, but he found people that cared for him. She didn't.

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