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A baby was being rocked in a woman's arms. Her long black hair created a curtain around them both. Next to her stood a gruff looking man with scars that lined his arms. His face was soft while he gazed at the baby girl.
"Our child is beautiful" he spoke softly.
"Do you have to go?" The woman asked worried. The man sighed and shook his head solemnly.
"I have to go. It's for the good of the village"
"But why? The village hates us! Why protect it?" The woman had tears running down her face. One landed right under the babies eye and fell down its face like it was a tear of her own.

The brown haired man slashed and swiped at the woman as she ran through the house. The blade made contact after the woman stepped out onto the porch. Blood flooded around her as she fell into the pure now. A man cackled and swings his sword around and put it on his shoulder like a common thug. He spat at that woman he just killed before he was brutally killed himself by a small girl.

What looked to be only weeks after the same girl walked through the bad part of a small village. She had cuts and bruises covered almost all over her skin. Only a torn and ragged long white shirt covered her body. It looked similar to the one the man was wearing before. The little girl was limping through an alleyway in the middle of the night. A few men approached her. She fought back with all her might. Kicking and punching and biting, but in the end they knocked her out. While she was asleep on the ground in he alleyway the men had their way with her. Doing to her body what they pleased. When she woke up she was in pain and bleeding. She didn't know what happened. Instead of asking for help she stood up and began to walk again. She didn't have anyone to ask for help.

This time she was a little taller, but  not by much. After being attacked she made her way through the deserts with a daunting hole. She was unwelcome no matter where she went. The little girl was a walking corpse. Then she met a red headed boy.

It seemed that happiness didn't last long for her. She was chased out of the village and hunted until she finally got captured a year later.

She got whipped, cut, burned, stabbed and whatever else her captor could think of. They taunted her and and made her their slave until one day she lost it and killed everyone. She was scared of her own power and began to seek out people that could help.
Almost a year later she found Orochimaru and the Akatsuki. She grew close to the S-class criminals. Deidara and Tobi were funny, and watching Hidan mess with Kazuku never failed to keep her entertained. Especially when he would get his limbs chopped of and the money loving man had to sew him back together. Itachi and Sasori were on the colder side, but she got along with them the best. They were quiet and taught her well. Pain was usually busy, but he took his time to train her what he could. She even found his real body, Nagato. Some other members came and went. She even took care of a few herself, but everything went to hell after Itachi warned Pain about her thirteen tailed beast. Suddenly everyone was a lot less friendly. The threat got to great, and with her main teachers permission she left. She went back to her life of being hunted and left out. All her life she was alone. Every once and awhile she would meet a nice person who was blind or couldn't feel chakra.

Like when she met Kou. She killed the man that had tried to take her out. Blood covered her clothes and body, but Kou took her in and helped raise her. Hikari, her brother, was suspicious but he eventually warmed up to the little girl and they became good friends. Until Kou died. It was all he fault. If  he didn't get out she wouldn't have used her life to seal it again.
The little girl cried and cried until she ran out of tears. She was broken. She's been tortured, raped, abandoned, hunted, forced to kill,  and kicked out of villages. There was nothing in the world for her. She didn't belong anywhere. Maybe her brother would save her. She would try to pick up clues here and there, but wasn't actively seeking him. Maybe it was time to start. She was already to powerful for her own good. She drowned herself in books and learning new jutsus, doing everything she could to contain her amazing power. It didn't take long  before she found Jiraya. He was a perverted old man, but taught her well. She learned much about herself in that time. Although he was a total pervert ,she liked he company. But she was already closed off. Too many secrets and not enough feelings. She kept getting stronger and stronger. One day Jiraya woke up to a note and that was it. She had left.

The Kogarashi clan became more and more frequent with their attacks. She fought and fought and fought until she couldn't sleep anymore. She spent that time looking for her brother. Researching.

That was her life. Fighting. Research. Traveling. Fighting. Research. Training. Every once and awhile something would happen, but not much. She eventually became a bounty hunter. She needed money and with the strength she had, it was an easy job.

One day she had the lead she needed and chased rough ninja. They had lists of civilian and shinobi from the nearby villages. She managed to get what she needed but at a price. One of the shinobi was a master of water. She got hit with some kind of jutsu before everything went black. It felt like an eternity before light shone through. Right as the light came back there was the same girl with paper right in front of her face. She read the paper with indifference. 

Apparently her father wasn't alive either. Did that mean mother lied to her or he was a criminal? It took awhile before she found traces of her father. She decided to look for his last name. Running a finger down the parchment, she suddenly stopped.

Kakashi Hatake.
Copy cat ninja
Kakashi of the sharingan
Son of the white fang.
Leaf village shinobi.

The girl made her way to the leaf village. She decided to enjoy her journey. She changed into an older woman and bought things on her way. It took some time but eventually the girl made it to the leaf village and-

Kuroitora was ripped out of the jutsu and thrown into a wall. Chikako got shot back in the other direction. It took him a minute to collect himself, but after he did Kuroitora sent a kunai towards Orochimaru's neck. Cutting his head clean off.

"Damn snake. Was here last time we came out to. Should have killed him then." Kuroitora snarled. He looked towards Chikako. She was sitting on her knees holding herself up with her arms and her head down. She was shaking.

"Child" Kuroitora said. His voice was soft. It was out of character. Chikako looked up to see the tailed beasts figure right in front of her.

"Was What I just saw your life?" Chikako steadied her shaking hands and nodded her head firmly.

"Why was part of it black?" Chikako looked away before answering his question.

"A water user hit me with a jutsu that drained my eyes of liquid. I was blind for two years" her voice was even and emotionless. It was like she was just reminded about why she kept to herself.

"How come I was never able to see through your eyes?"

"The seal" Kuroitora nodded and much to her surprise, picked her up.

"My sister and I always bring bad luck to our master. We never get along" Kuroitora stared.

"Through that whole thing all you wanted was a friend wasn't it?" Chikako hesitated before nodding.

"If you do not push us away like the others we will stay with you. Talk to you, help you learn, we will lend you our powers whenever needed" Chikako's eyes watered.

She spent years despising the thing inside of her. Her life was a living hell because of them, but she could never stop the small part of her that yearned to talk to them. Have someone that would stay by her side no matter where she went or what happened to her.

Chikako wrapped her arms around his neck as a gesture of their newfound friendship. It was her way of saying thank you.

She finally had a friend in her hell.

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