New Relationships

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The blue haired man lead Chikako through stone hallways lit only by wax candles. Drops of wax dripped onto the floor gathering into small piles. It was quite dark and the lights that crawled along the walls flickered with the wind. Eventually he stooped in front of the door and opened it. He walked in with the female following. 

"Where the Uchiha?" Orochimaru snarled. He didn't bother to look up at who walked in. 

"Nice to see you again snake-ass" Chikako said in a flat voice. She clenched her teeth tightly together to suppress the pained expression that threatened to pain her features. Her breaths came out in short pants that she muffled as much as possible. 

"Ah Chikako dear, pleasure to see you" Orochimaru stood up and walked towards Chikako. His arms hung limp at his sides and a white haired boy followed him like some kind of dog. Chikako's eyes followed the younger boys movements. They were precise and seemed haunting in a way. 

"I see you took my curse mark. You poor thing you must be suffering" Orochimaru chimed. His head tilted to the side as his breath tickled Chikako's cheek. In order to stand her ground, she stood completely still. 

"What do you want?" She asked in a stern voice. Although the situation was explained to her briefly, Chikako was never really told why Orochimaru wanted Sasuke.

"As you very well know I need a new body" His long tongue poked out and slithered along his dry lips.

"Who's this Orochimaru?" The white haired boy piped in. He looked at Chikako with narrowed, curious eyes. They scanned her body with an odd type of fascination. Being stared at was nothing new for the silver haired girl, but this boys eyes on her was... unnerving to say the least.

"This is Chikako. She's at the top of the bingo book. She's known as the odd eyed demon. Although word is that the 'Odd Eyed Demon' was killed by team 7" The boys eyes widened and he bowed his head.

"I'm Kabuto; Lord Orochimaru's follower. Might I add you are quite appealing even though you are covered up" He introduced. Chikako ignored his 'compliment' and looked back at the older male.

"Do what you will with me. I have done what I needed." Chikako said flatly.

"Ah so you found your brother? What was he like? Did you leave him?" Orochimaru prodded. Chikako just nodded instead of answering. His questions were annoying, but she didn't have the energy to tell him off.

"I'll let you stay here dear until everything is prepared. Sasuke would have taken awhile to cultivate, but you, you are already ripe with power. There is no need to wait" Orochimaru spoke in a smooth voice.

"Kabuto how about you take care of her?" Kabuto bowed and strings wrapped tightly around Chikako's body. She didn't try fighting. It wasn't worth it, and the outcome would be the same either way. She was still able to move fine, but she couldn't go further than about twenty feet from Kabuto.

"I hope you know this isn't necessary" She pointed out. Snake-Ass just waved his hand in dismission.

Chikako left Orochimaru's room with Kabuto leading her to another.

"Your will be sharing a room with me for the time being" Kabuto said; Lust laced in the edge of his voice. The edge in his voice was nothing she hadn't heard before, but the last time someone spoke to her like that, they suffered for it. This would be the end of her life and she had done what she needed to do, there was no need to fight to live anymore.

The room had three section; The bedroom, bathroom, and a sitting area with a table. Chikako looked around. The room was rather empty outside of the bare necessities. Chikako went to a bookshelf and plucked one off of the shelf. Kabuto on the other hand was in the bedroom. 

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