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It had barely been a month since Chikako quit being a shinobi, and it was safe to say the village was a mess. Chikako still wouldn't come out of her room leaving, Tsunade to clean her files, heal the sick, and do four times the amount of work.

The kids at the academy missed her, and made sure to voice it as much as they could to Iruka. This is how Lady Tsunade ended up with shinobi crowding her office demanded Chikako's presents.

"We need that nurse to come back! The work load is overbearing!"

"Can she at least stop by? The kids only talk about Chikako. I can't get any work done"

A tick mark twitched on Tsunade's face as a bunch of people talked over the other.

"That's enough! I don't control that girl. We did fine without her. I'm sure you all can manage it again. You are all dismissed until further notice!" Everyone left her office murmuring about their problems.

Out of no where Chikako seemed to appear next to Tsunade.

"Where have you been?" She yelled. Chikako just stared at The Hokage with emotionless eyes.

"First you quit being a shinobi, demand a stranger live with you,  then lock yourself up in your room!" The Hokage was beyond pissed.

"I am doing what I have to do. Now I came here to request a mission. I need to be escorted" Chikako said as she carefully took money out of her pocket and set it on her desk.

"I don't particularly care who it is. I need to leave tomorrow" Tsunade sighed and nodded. Chikako nodded and left the Hokage's office.

Tsunade sighed heavier this time. Chikako was pushing everyone away. She stopped healing patients and even seeing the kids. Not to mention she hasn't left her room for almost a month. Just what was going on?

You're very dear to the people here it seems, weakling.

I suppose.

Why won't you just let me be free? You're to weak to hold me and the boys seal isn't working.

I will hold you at bay until I know your intentions.

If you don't let me out I will eventually tear you apart human. Along with all of the other weakly humans in this village.

I am the only one worthy to have you sealed in me. I will not let the same thing happen twice.

The beast inside Chikako growled to the point it shook her steady heart. She closed her eyes and calmly took a deep breath. Hikari's seal was to weak, but she couldn't say anything to him. The boy had done everything he could. It helped, but wasn't enough. It was  slowly chipping away at the seal with its power. If she could get to the Hidden Mist she might be able to calm him down.

The next day Chikako woke up and made her way to the front gates. She waited until Neji and his group showed up along with Naruto and Sasuke. She nodded to them and began walking.

It was a rather uneventful trip. She was told that the five of them are on another mission and escorting her was just a bonus. Good. That makes slipping away easier.

Chikako decided to stay with the group after hearing about the curry or life. She didn't particularly like Spicy foods, but it revived her good friend. She decided to humor him.

Chikako sat silently listening to Granny talk to the others about her son. The name Raiga piqued her interest. He was one of the seven swordsman of the Mist like Kisame of the Akatsuki. Naruto blurted something about a man named Zabuza.

The group decided to stay the night at Granny's house. It was all together, uneventful in Chikako's opinion. The next morning she set out in the same direction as the rest of the group. It seems they were going in the same direction in the end.

Chikako hesitantly followed the group. Her senses began amplifying again. She heard a clinking sound over and over again, as if a large group of people were mining. Occasionally she would hear a grunt of pain. She didn't show any signs of pain even as each subtle noise rung in her ears like an explosion.

Eventually the group came upon a large work camp. Chikako sighed. They changed that place to a mine. Kuroitora won't be happy. She followed behind the group of ninja as they snuck around

They leaped from the edge to save an old man; while Chikako stayed in her place listening to every word with her heightened senses. After hearing about Raiga's sob story they regrouped and talked about a plan while Chikako stayed behind to simply listen.

Gai's Team along with Naruto and Sasuke defeated a bunch of followers of Raiga. Chikako turned her head to a building in the distance. There was an special type of chakra coming from someone.

While they rest of the group dealt with the followers, Chikako headed off to the building. In no time at all, she gracefully landed in front of a man with a large sack on his back. The man immediately took out his double blades and took on a fighting stance.

"I mean no harm. I simply want to ask a few question" Chikako's cold voice seemed to calm the man down, though he was still slightly on edge. He dropped his guard somewhat.

"I am from the leaf village. I would like to know why you chose this spot to do your business" the man eased up even more at my simple question.

"It was rich with minerals. Perfect for burials" Chikako nodded before she motioned to his bag with her hand. Her next question.

"There is a child in that bag with strange chakra. I don't mean harm, I simply want to know how he senses things" Riaga took up another fighting stance until a soft voice called out.

"It's okay. Let me talk to her" he scowled and took the bag off his back as he walked into the building with Chikako right behind the pair. Riaga set the child down before unzipping the bag. He then gently picked up he little kid and set him down a mat.

"I was wondering if you could teach me how you use and control your heightened senses" Chikako sat down across from the boy.

"I don't trust you! Take off your veil!" Riaga yelled. Chikako did as told and removed her veil before setting to next to the small boy. She kept her eyes inactivated. One eye a pale pink hue , while the other a deep black. What surprised the two males the most, was the white ring around her pupils.

"I did as told. I simply came to talk and possibly learn how to control overpowering senses." The boy nodded in agreement. Riaga looked between them restlessly, but the boy calmed him down with a single nod. 

Chikako continued to talk to the boy, Ranmaru, about calming her senses and how to take advantage of them. They talked until sun down. Chikako even offered to cook dinner for the duo. Despite what they were doing, they were good people. They just wanted to stay together. They're two halves of a single soul.

"There are leaf shinobi hunting you two down. Stop what you're doing. You can live if you do" Chikako's voice was steady but a hint of concern was laced in it. She was gradually getting closer to breaking down, but no one needed to know that.

They three of them sat in silence after her suggestion.

"You can have a simple and enjoyable life in the leaf village. Come with me." Riaga and Ranmaru both exchanged glances.

"I wouldn't mind living with you in one place Riaga" Ronmaru offered. Riaga slowly nodded. They seemed to have made a choice.

"Will they allow us to stay there?" Riaga asked. Chikako nodded

"I can make arrangements for you. As long as you don't cause any trouble." The two males nodded in sync.

"Now we need to calm down the other leaf shinobi"

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