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Chikako was going through her daily routine of helping the Hokage, then the nurses, then Iruka, and after, training with her team. It was finally back to normal. Riaga and Ranmaru were seen around the village more often and tried to do whatever they could to fit in. Chikako and Riaga were talking about enrolling Ranmaru in the school.

That is until a black raven landed on Chikako's shoulder with four simple yet threatening words written on a slip of paper.

The Akatsuki are coming.

With a sigh Chikako decided to leave it be. She would be able to handle anything they throw at her. After all she was the first one to defeat Pain and Obito. Although, both were tough battles.

Chikako went on her day as normal and went to sleep that night.

Mismatched eyes flashed open and immediately a kunai was held up to the intruders throat.

"What do you want?" She hissed.

"I want you to come back" It was Obito's deep voice.

"Hn" Chikako retracted her kunai and stood up. It was dark but she could still make out Obito's features.

"You should come with me or else all of your friends die" he said again. Chikako snickered.

"I am alone as I've always been. Kill them" Obito scowled in the dark. He was certain that she built ties with these people, yet she doesn't care about their wellbeing.

"Leave. I wish to sleep" Chikako turned around and was about to lay down on her futon, but a hand on her wrist stopped her.

"You will come with me whether you want to or not." Obito hissed.

Chikako used her teleportation justu to take both of them to a far away field. Chikako immediately tapped into her thirteen tails power. Now she could hear every twitch of his muscles, smell his scent, and feel every little burst of wind on her body.

Within one swift movement Obito charged  at her. Chikako blocked every punch and even got a few in herself. She infused chakra into her hand and used the gentle fist technique to push Obito away from her body. He help his side while scowling.

"You will not defeat me this time!" He roared and charged again. Chikako and Obito exchanged hit after hit and jutsu after jutsu. It was a full on battle. Craters were made in the ground, trees were snapped in half. Nothing around the two survived.

It didn't take long for ninja from the village to feel the power surge and rush over.

"Hold still. You cannot beat him" Chikako spoke calmly. The jōnin tried to rush into the fight anyway, but Kakashi and Guy stopped them.

Next the genin and Shika showed up. They were also stopped by the two jōnin.

Obito and Chikako went out into a full out taijutsu brawl, then a ninjutsu fight, then a genjutsu. They were toe to toe. It was the same as before. She would need to activate her pink eye. Tap into it's limitless power despite the side effects. 

"Ice release; first configuration, death scythe" Chikako held her hand out and ice started building off itself. The ice crawled up from the first piece of ice until it was a large scythe. The moonlight gleamed off of the ice weapon making it shine as if it was made of steel.

"Very interesting. I've never seen that jutsu before" Obito mused.

"It is my own. My Kekki genkai allows me this technique. This isn't what it was used for but it's more useful to me in this form" Chikako spoke. Everyone around her was confused and horrified.

Cuts and bruises littered her body and blood dropped down her face. The black veil she wore long forgotten by now. She opted to leave her cloak behind as well. She wouldn't want to ruin what Sasuke made for her. Despite all that, chakra still radiated off her her in string waves.

"Do the Akatsuki members know you're here?" Chikako asked. Obito smirked.

"Good. Then doing this won't affect them" Chikako took out the slip of paper she gave to Itachi so long ago and ripped it to shreds.

Obito charged at her but Chikako just moved her hand and the ice scythe blocked all of his attacks. It was almost beautiful. She opened her mouth and took a deep breath. She needed the Akatsuki to know where she is. They're all in the area, but not in her exact location.

Whithin minutes the rest of the fearsome Akatsuki were surrounding the two fighters. Her eyes glowed in the dark as she activated both of her dojutsus. The leaf ninja prepared to attack, but Chikako her her hand up to stop them.

"They are here to assist me. Whoever gets in the way dies" her voice was a deadly calm.

"Chikako you're sexy. It's jashin's wish that I have my way with you" Hidan yells.

"Idiot. Selling her for money would be better" Kazuku countered.

"Quiet. I'll finish this easily with my eternal art" Sasori announced.

"Art is a bang idiot un!" Diedara argues.

The four begin to argue as Itachi and Pain stand silently. Konan is standing next to her 'love' while Kisame flirted with her. You can almost see the tick marks on Obito's face. He sends a huge blast of chakra towards the group but Chikako blocks it with a earth wall like nothing happened.

"Your an idiot. Art is eternal" Sasori shot back. Deidara and Sasori went at it while Kisame and Hidan flirted. Zetsu was in the ground staying out of sight.

Chikako sighed and Itachi took that as a sigh to get everyone to shut up.

"Don't any of you have a brain?" The boys turned to Itachi and glared ay him. Hidan was about to engage Itachi but pain decided to finally speak up.

"All of you shut up!" Everyone immediately went quiet at Pein's request.

"Keep the others back. I'm releasing them" an almost sickening smile made its way to Chikako's face. Pain swallowed his fear and took a step back as the others faces turned dire.

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