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Wind blew her hair to be side and carried what was left of her veil away.  Screams and the clank of blades echoed trough the village. Horrid sounds met her ears and her brows furrowed in displeasure. It seemed like tragedy followed her, her whole life.

Chikako held her eyes closed and blood leaked down her face mixing with tears. This was the end for her. She used almost all of her life force healing people and fighting. She was wounded all over with a severed arm.

Chikako took a deep breath of air. Instead of the normal clean air of the forest it reeked of blood and death. This was the last thing Chikako will ever be able to do for the people she...


After taking a deep breath Chikako spreads her arms out and words spill out of soul.

"Song release: infinite configuration: Rebirth" Chikako spoke barely above a whisper.

As a child you would wait
And watch from far away
But you always knew that you'd be the one
That work while they all play"

All eyes turned to Chikako and everyone stopped fighting, curious of what she was doing. Her voice echoed through the village. 

"In youth you'd lay
Awake at night and scheme
Of all the things that you would change
But it was just a dream!"

A bright grey light rose out of Chikako and spread around in the sky. Swirling over the village. Her chakra was weak at that moment, but was strong enough to help everyone. As long as she could wring out every  last drop of it. 

Boom! A flash of blue lightning struck the Akatsuki members over and over again until they fell to the ground. One by one.

Here we are, don't turn away now,
We are the warriors that built this town
Here we are, don't turn away now
We are the warriors that built this town
From dust."

A calmer blue light sprinkled down like snow around the village. Slowly the nature began to rebuild itself around the carnage. Trees stared to appear and grew until they were full-size. The wounds of the villagers and shinobi began to heal as the flakes of chakra rained down upon them.

Here we are, don't turn away now
We are the warriors that built this town
Here we are, don't turn away now,
We are the warriors that built this town
From dust.

Here we are, don't turn away now
We are the warriors that built this town
Here we are, don't turn away now
We are the warriors that built this town
From dust

Once everyone partially processed what happened they began to realize that they were completely healed. It was as if there was no fighting at all. If it weren't for the destroyed buildings, the village would look as normal as ever.

Applause and cheering filled the village. As the others celebrated their win, Chikako listened to the sweet sounds. As a smile made its way to her face, Chikako's body fell forward and began to plummet from the heads to the ground below. People ran over as fast as they could to Chikako, but she still crashed into the ground.

Kakashi, Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Hinata, Kiba and Akamaru, Shikamaru, Ino, Choji, Raiga, Ranmaru, Hikari, Temari, Kankuro, Neji, Lee, Tenten, Tsunade, Jiraya and even Itachi gathered around Chikako's body.

They all gasped. She was missing and arm and a leg she mad multiple stab wounds around her body as well as cuts. Too many bones were broken and the back of her head was bleeding profusely from hitting her head when she fell. Shikamaru was he first to notice. The wound on her side was a little to familiar and the broken ribs were as well.

"Y-you." Shikamaru stammered.

"You took all of our wounds to heal us. Why would you do that you idiot?!" Everyone gasped or scowled.

"You know" Chikako started but began coughing badly.

"You know. The only home I ever had was with my mom in the land of snow. When she died I, I found Gaara and I thought I found a friend, a home. It was nice. But then the Kazekage sold me out. That night I was taken advantage of. I broke. I snapped. I killed those drunk men. I had nothing left after that. I wandered around aimlessly questioning if my brother would even want me." Another coughing fit interrupted her and she was told to stop talking, but she didn't listen. They needed to know everything she never told them.

"After that a man found me and took care of me for a few days until he brought me to an orphanage. I was shabby and run down, but many children lived there. Most of them were younger than me and called me 'big sister'. The older ones took to calling me that too because mother always joked around about how I was more mature than they were. One day the Kogarashi clan came back and burned my home. The same man ended up being there and dragged me out of the house kicking and screaming. All of the kids and mother died that day besides me. That man was Kuro. He took me to shisha mountain to train with him and his sister Shiro. They were harsh, and I had no hope. I was an emotionless brat who did nothing but train. Then one day I decided to tell Kuro about my kekkei genkai. I called it creation. After a bit of research we found that I could create whatever I wanted, but every time I make something I lose time. My life force gets taken away. When he told me to stop using it.  We got in a big fight. It was all I had to survive for a long time. Yet they still welcomed me a few months ago and tried to save me from this." Chikako let out a slight chuckle.

"You're talking to much for an injured person" Naruto said through his tears.

"I trained long and hard with he Akatsuki after that. I ran into Orochimaru and challenged him. Thought the Akatsuki could be the only ones who could get my power under control. One I got stronger they started to despise me. I was cold to them so I didn't realize that they were amusing-almost fun- to be with. But I left. It was for the best. I met Jiraya soon after. I was the same way with him, but I didn't show him even a fraction of my power until we were about to die. You all know him. He always asked me what I look like. I stared feeling power leaking out of my moms seal so I left him one night. I was with Hikari and Kou. She sealed my tailed beast and I lived with them for awhile. One day I lost control and killed Kou. It's something I can never forgive myself for. So I left again. This time I continued my travels. I would stay at the villages I never went to and would read their library until I learned everything I could, before moving on. When I heard that Kakashi might be here I doubted myself and stayed away for almost two years. When I finally came I was scared. Scared that I would be cast out like I was in every other village. Called a monster, but I got to stay with team seven. We had our bumps but eventually they became my friends. You all did. I was always so cold an lonely before, but when Sasuke gave me the cloak, or when Kakashi saved me, or at the winter party and even the school children, I began to feel warmth again. I didn't even realize it until now, but you all became my family. I regret a lot of things, but coming to this village and meeting you all is something that I could never regret." Everyone had tears streaming down their eyes. Kakashi leaned down to wipe the blood from Chikako's face so she could see but when he saw her slashed eyes he cried even harder.

"Don't cry. I found happiness and even if I'm leaving you now, know that you guys gave me warmth and light." Chikako's coughed violently. She sputtered blood getting some on Kakashi who was holding her along with Neji and Sasuke who were ok either sides of the Jōnin.

Chikako reached her hand straight up and Naruto caught it as it was about to fall.

"Naruto?" Naruto sniffled and Chikako smiled slightly.

"I have my tailed beast remember. We can't have them reaking havoc when I'm not around. Ask Kurama about Kuroito..." Chikako's voice faded and her hand went limp. Her head rolled to the side. Naruto clutched her hand as Kakashi did the same to Chikako's head.

Tsunade stood up and lowered her head.

"It's a bad day for rain" She said.

"There's no rain" Naruto answers confused. Jiraya put his hand on her shoulder.

"Yes Naruto, it is raining" A single tear fell on the ground before Tsunade walked away.

This was the end of Chikako's life, but they would all love and carry her memory.

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