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With her cloak gently spread out upon the ground Chikako laid down on top of it. Everything was going quite well, but finding him was the easy part. She's not sure if she can get him to help her after...

Chikako shook her head. She could never forgive herself for what happened that day, and she doubted he could either. She closed her eyes as she took off her veil and put it next to her on the bed. Chikako scowled at the ceiling before she sighed and closed her eyes.

Steely pink and red eyes shone in the night. Surrounded by only black. A little girl stepped from the shadows. Her hands and clothes were full of blood.

A blonde girl, only a few years older than the other one, called out into the alleyway. She heard noises and was worried someone got hurt.

"Hello?" She called. The bloody child stepped from the shadows. Her eyes hollow and her face dull.

"Did they hurt you?" The girl asks. The younger child shakes her head and begins to walk away.

"Do you have a place to live?" The child stopped. Why was she asking so many questions? She shook her head before she continued to walk.

"Why don't you love with me and my brother?" The girl chirped. The bloody child stopped. The other girl smiled before she began to walk away knowing the girl will follow her.

It didn't take them long to reach a small wooden house on the outskirts of town.

"My brother doesn't like people very much" she explained.

"I'm Kou and my brothers name is Hikari! What about you?" She cheered again.

"Chikako" Chikako held each syllable like she was unsure of her own name.

Kou opened and door and walked in the house.

"Hikari! Set another plate for dinner! We have a guest" Kou called. A male voice answered with a simple yes.

Kou sat down and signaled for Chikako to sit next to her. She sat down wordlessly as Hikari brought out the food.

"Who's h-" The boy stopped in his tracks when he saw Chikako.

"Why is there a girl covered in blood in our home?" He called. He seemed suspicious of the girl. Like she had somehow hurt Kou.

"I did smell blood earlier" Kou trailer off.

"Just because my sister's blind doesn't mean you can trick her!" The boy called and pointed at Chikako. Kou laughed at her brother.

Days passed and Kou grew to treat Chikako like a little sister. Chikako didn't act any different. She kept her distance and stayed quiet. Hikari was the same as well. He was still suspicious of her.

Chikako's vision blurred until she saw Hikari only two years later.

"I will never forgive you!! You monster!"

Chikako's eyes snapped open and she sat up in her bed. It's been awhile since she's had that dream. She just now realized that her dreams weren't as bad and hard to deal with when she was in the leaf.

Chikako quickly shook the thought out of her head and got dressed in her usual clothes. Then she jumped to the roof.

Closing her eyes Chikako concentrated on scent. She doubted that Hikari would be talking to anyone, and couldn't see through buildings. Scent was her best bet.

Chikako took a deep breath and tried to sort through all the scents in the air. There was the sweet smell of dango and tea, barbecue, and trees. After two hours Chikako sighed. She wasn't getting anywhere. There were too many smells.

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