Kakashi's sister

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After yesterday's run-in with the students she was the talk of the village. I guess that's one more thing to add to my daily routine. Chikako went over her newly planned day in her head.
Wake up.
Help the Hokage.
Visit the hospital and Lee.
Meetup with her team.
Get sweets on her way back.
Stop by the academy.

That's how her days have been going so far. Not that she minded. Chikako never stayed in one place to long after her mother died. The longest she ever stayed with someone was the four years she spent with the Akatsuki. They did move around a lot though, so she couldn't really count that at staying in one place.  She only spent three years living with the Uchiha clan before they fled and lived in that snowy place. They stayed there for a good two years before her mother was murdered.

Chikako sighed. She quite enjoyed this village. There were many things that she still needed to learn, so she wasn't planning on leaving anytime soon. But she would have to if they find her.

They have been hunting her since that day. The man that killed Chikako's mother was the leader of a clan. He wanted Chikako's mother, but she refused to give herself up to someone as corrupt as him. She was forever faithful to her dead husband and daughter. The man was obviously not going to let her take Chikako with her and that was enough of a reason for her to refuse. Full of rage, the man attacked the woman. She tried to escape, but never made it past the porch she loved so much. That when Chikako killed the leader. It's been just about ten years, and they still want revenge. The son of the leader took control after the death of his Father and wanted revenge against Chikako. When he found his fathers writings, he found out that his father wanted the mismatched eyes of the little girl. Since that day the son has sent many people to track her down. The people that were able to hurt her, left scars around her eyes from trying to take them. They all died by Chikako's hand before her eyes were taken.

It's been awhile since she's thought about them. They haven't found her in almost a year. That worried Chikako. It's never taken them that long to find her.

Maybe the son's just losing people. He's been on a mad hunt for my eyes for so long I doubt any of his followers are willing to give up their life for my eyes. Chikako nodded to herself. That had to be the reason.

Chikako felt a tapping on her arm and looked over the the child she now knows as Kiko.

"Um excuse me Chikako-sama, but a man is looking for you" Kiko pointed at the door where Iruka was talking to Kakashi. Chikako nodded to the little girl and headed over. Kiko trailed behind her as she walked.

"Um... Chikako-Sama? Are you going on another mission?" Chikako nodded answering her question. Kiko grabbed into the sleeve of her cloak and tugged twice as she looked up at Chikako.

"Be careful Chikako-Sama" Kiko's eyes were wide and her face almost looked pleading. Chikako nodded and met with the two jōnin.

"Chikako! Thanks for all the help. Kakashi said you guys are going on another mission. Good luck" Iruka called. Chikako nodded yet again and followed Kakashi to the Hokage's office.

"You have been given an A-rank mission. Now that Chikako's on your team I am sure you will be able to handle this." Tsunade addressed the group while handing Kakashi a scroll. "This request came on not to long ago. They payed quite a lot for this." Tsunade added.

Team seven stepped out of the Hokage's office.

"What's the mission? Do we get to fight?" Naruto asked excitedly.

"It is a request sent in by the Kogarashi clan. They're a rather old clan in this country. They have a lot of economic power and control a few villages to the North. They have their own ninja, but it seems they would like some back up for this mission" Kakashi explained.

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