Cursed (cute filler)

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[I decided to edit this little filler after the rest of the story, so this won't be edited yet. You've been warned] 

Chikako was healing the patients in the hospital. She herself had just got out. It had only been a few days since the Orochimaru incident. She was still trying to dodge everyone. Tsunade was getting a bit fed up with everyone trying to see her, so she sent Chikako to the storage closet. She was organizing medicine and throwing out some of the bad ones.

Chikako moved boxes one by one when one fell on her. She used an earth justu to catch the box, but she didn't see a single bottle slip out. The small glass bottle crashed down and broke on top of her head.

The liquid soaked her veil and leaked into her eyes and mouth. Chikako coughed and ripped off her veil. After a few seconds Chikako recollected herself. Not thinking anything of it she just continued to move things.

It didn't take much longer for Chikako to finish sorting the supply closet and throwing away all the old tunics. A wave of light headedness passed through her. Chikako scowled. The doctors said she was completely healthy. Ignoring the dizziness Chikako retreats back to her room to meditate.

Chikako changed into one of her kimonos and sat down. Only moments after calming herself down another wave of dizziness hit her even harder. This time it knocked her out.

A loud knock on her door woke Chikako up from her slumber. She tiredly rubbed her eyes and got up. She reached forward for the door handle only to realize it wasn't there. Chikako calmly and tiredly looked up and saw the handle. She looked down at her hands and her eyes widened. They were small and chubby. Chikako fell back.

"What happened?" A loud high pitched voice yelled.

"Are you okay?" Naruto voice boomed. Chikako slightly panicked when the door knob started to turn. Naruto jumped through her door. She stumbled back and fell on her butt. Naruto face went bright red and blood poured out of his nose.

Chikako looked down to see that nothing was covering her small child body. She covered herself with her hands and threw the nearest object at Naruto. That object just so happens to be a pan.

After surveying the damage done to Naruto, Chikako went into her bathroom and grabbed a towel before scampering off in the Hokage's direction. She burst through the door and got on one knee while panting.

"Lady Tsunade What was in that closet?" Child Chikako shouts still only wrapped in a towel.

"Who are you?" Lady Hokage demanded.

"I'm Chikako!!" After going back and forth Chikako revealed her eyes and Lady Tsunade finally gave in.

They both studied the potion together after taking some from the puddle on the floor in the storage closet.

"If I'm correct then you will be stuck like that for about a week. The herbs in this have long lasting effects, but it should wear off soon. In the meantime I'll try to counteract it just as a back up" Lady Hokage said. There was no use in arguing so Chikako just sighed.

"You appear to be about five years old. I'll see if I can find some clothes for you" Chikako blushed when she remembered she was only in a towel.

"Thank you very much Lady Hokage" Chikako said monotonously.

"Almost everyone's gone on mission. So today Naruto will watch you. Tomorrow will be Sasuke, then Gaara, shikamaru, Lee, Neji, and in the last day Kakashi should be back."

"I can just stay in my room. I'm fifteen, I don't need a babysitter" she argued.

"No arguing. We don't know how this will affect your body. I want someone with you at all times!"

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