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Everyone finally settled into their rooms and was sleeping. All but Chikako. She stood out front of the house  on the porch and looked around. The scene in front of her was calming. About five hundred feet of trees stood in between the road and the house with a nice stone walkway leading up to the door. The trees rustled softly with the wind.

Chikako spread out her earth chakra around the front of the house. It hovered above the ground for a second before sinking into the dirt. All kinds of flowers wriggled from the ground coloring the green and brown forest. A beautiful garden appeared in the small amount of time that Chikako allowed her chakra to seep out of her.

A small gust of wind swept across the flowers allowing some stray petals fly off. The breeze seemed to make a circle around Chikako before it was taken away in a new direction. Her breath mixed with the night air as the female sighed in contentment. 

Chikako focused her chakra into her pink eye and activated her crystal release. She made a greenhouse out of that she created, seemingly out of thin air. The moonlight cast a dim glow on one side of he glass and a rainbow out the other.

Satisfied with her small glass house Chikako walked inside and used her wood release to create shelves and boxes to separate the plants. She then used her water chakra to create a little irrigation system for the plant.

After standing there for a second Chikako made a few hand signs. A wooden bench with crystal designs rested in front of a window giving whoever sat there a perfect view of the plants. Chikako exited the greenhouse and then made another bench in the front yard. The female closed her eyes and deactivated her pink eye.

"How did you do that?" Riaga's voice didn't surprise Chikako. She felt him from the beginning, but he didn't disturb her so she let him do what he wished.

"I can do a lot of things." Chikako left her answer short an simple.

Riaga shifted from the greenhouse door to the front door. Chikako stayed put not moving an inch. He seemed hesitant to talk. After letting a short sigh leave her lips, Chikako stepped beside the man and reached for the door handle.

"Can you use medical jutsu?" He finally asked.

"It depends what you want me to heal" Chikako turned around to face Riaga. She had a feeling she knew what he was about to ask, but she wouldn't make and assumptions yet.

"Would you be able to heal Ronmaru? I want him to be able to behave like a normal kid" Chikako waved the man over and they walked inside together.

Chikako led Riaga up to Ronmaru's room. Riaga thanked Chikako.

"I don't want to hold a funeral for him. Anyone but him." Chikako and Riaga stepped into the sleeping child's room. She laid her hands on his head and a green light began to envelope his body. Chikako furrowed her brows. What he had was serious. She was surprised he even lived this long.

Chikako retracted her hands and shook her head. She couldn't heal him completely, but she can extend his life if she periodically healed him. Riaga teared up and Chikako caught his tears before they hit the floor.

She levitated the floating ball of tears into her hands and she began to infuse green chakra into it. Raiga stopped crying and looked at Chikako oddly.

Chikako opened Ronmaru's mouth and let the liquid slide down his throat.

"He should be fully healed within a few years of consistant healing. Until then, he cannot use chakra no matter what happens. I'll ask Hikari to watch him while we talk to the Hokage about a healing schedule. I would prefer it if she healed him personally" Riaga nodded and got in bed with Ronmaru. It was understandable that he wanted to stay with the child throughout the night. She pulled the blanket over Riaga before heading into Hikari's room and doing the same.

"Don't leave" he murmured. Chikako stroked his hair a few times before moving a few strands behind his ear. The male smiled as he nuzzled his head into her hand.

"I won't" Hikari relaxed into her touch and Chikako left it there for a few seconds before retracting her hand and making her way to her room. Tomorrow she would need to look through every book and scroll in the house and the Hokage's library.

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