Teacher vs Akatsuki.

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"What?! Not fair! Let me at 'em" a loud voice made Neji blink his eyes open. He felt really warm.

Neji's eyes were immediately drawn to the door rather than the weight on him, which he has yet to notice.

"Naruto must you be so idiotic so early in the morning?" Neji groaned.

"You slept with Chikako while we were all worried sick" Naruto yelled. Neji was confused.

Thankfully (or maybe not so thankfully) Neji's brain noticed that he couldn't move. He looked to his left to see Chikako snuggled up on him. Her head was on his bare chest, and their legs were tangled together. Neji had one arm wrapped around her waist and the other under her neck. His face darkened into a blush before he composed himself.

"It simply happened. You don't need to fuss about it" Neji's face was scarlet red as he cleared his throat. He moved and bit trying not to wake Chikako, but right as he moved her eyes snapped open and a kunai was buried in the wall next to Naruto's head.

"You disturbed my comfort" Chikako hissed. Yes, she had been awake for awhile but Neji was warm and his slow breathing soothed her. She figured with Neji's calmness he wouldn't move even after they were found.

"I'm going to train" Chikako said flatly. She stood up and walked out of the room with irritation evident in every move she made. Neji scowled at Naruto.

"I told you not to say anything Naruto" Kakashi sighed from next to the door. Naruto looked guilty, but still angry that the two of them slept together.

Neji stood up and got dressed before moving to the kitchen and cooking breakfast. Kuro was pacing in the kitchen when he walked in.

"Chikako is at the training ground already" Kuro seemed to go stiff. He sighed and nodded towards Neji before taking his leave.

Kuro walked outside to a patch of field that they always used to train on. He found Chikako in a tree pose with thin stems wrapping around her legs and wiggling around in the air.

"You've improved your balance a lot. since I last saw you" Kuro hesitantly complimented. Chikako refused to open her eyes. However she still dropped her leg. and the vines she was controlling slithered back into the ground.

"Let's get to the point. Tell me what I have to do so I can be alone" Kuro sighed. Guilt wrapped itself around his stomach even more. His facial expression dropped and he walked over to Chikako.

"Today we will be learning...."

Hours went by and Chikako was finally alone trying to strengthen her new skill. She doubted it would help in any way, but at least they're trying.

Chikako knew what she wanted to do and she was goin to see it through. To the end.

It was dark outside and Chikako finally decided to go back to the main house. She took a few steps towards her own cabin before she stopped. She turned around and walked towards the house.

It seemed everyone was asleep once again. Chikako didn't seem to care as she went into one of the rooms. She laid down on the occupied bed and snuggled up to the person next to her.

Neji unconsciously put his arms on Chikako's waist and they quickly found themselves in the same position as the night before.

This went on for days. Neji even began cooking individual meals for Chikako's timeframe. If he ever woke up first he would wait until she wanted to get up and then start his own routine.

Another month went by and Chikako learned plenty of new skills. Chikako refused to talk to Kuro unless she needed to. The whole time he tried to reach out to her, but was hesitant to do so in the end.

Finally it was the day they left. While everyone from the leaf packed Chikako pulled her two teachers aside. She bowed to them both.

"I thank you for everything you've ever taught me." Chikako stood up and kissed Kuro on the cheek.

"I forgive you." Chikako pulled away from Kuro and looked at them both.

"Find happiness. Love" Shiro was about to yell but stopped herself. Nothing she could say now to chnage her mind. Kuro nodded and Shiro mirrored her brother.

Chikako gathered her things and left the mountain. Using her Kekki Genkai she created another sheen of ice and told everyone to get on.

"Stop that! You're gonna take your life away!" Naruto yelled. Sasuke and Kakashi shook their heads.

"Weren't you listening?" Sasuke asked.

"She already made something. If she just destroys it that means she used her own life force for nothing" Kakashi explained.

"Just got on idiot" Sasuke said as he climbed on with Sakura holding his arm. They got close during the month up in the mountain. They decided to date. Chikako was happy for them.

Naruto grumbled but followed everyone's lead and climbed on the sheet of ice as well.

Once they were at the bottom on the mountain the ice shattered like glass and they all landed in tree branches. Chikako immediately found her rhythm and began going at a quick pace. However she couldn't go as fast as she wanted to because she didn't want to lose any of the others.

It was getting late so the group decided to make camp for the night along the road. Kakashi laid down in a tree while Sakura and Sasuke snuggled up. Chikako found her place next to Neji and Naruto was in his pajamas with his body in a weird and rather uncomfortable looking pose.

A group of children of all ages stood at Chikako's foot as they smile with their bright eyes and asked questions of her journeys. Each one took turns sitting in her lap as she spoke to them.

"Big sister Chikako, will you take us with you on your adventure one day?"

Red. Flames rose around Chikako as she was being carried out of a house by a stranger. She was screaming and crying, reaching for the house she was being carried away from.

Screams rang through the house and one by one stopped. Chikako stood next to the horrid man that carried her away as she watched her home burned down.

Chikako's eyes snapped open and she shot up, but Neji's arm held her down. Chikako looked around realized where she was. She was still in the woods near the mountain. She sighed and decided to start putting out the fire and packing up whatever they weren't using.

Kakashi and Neji were soon to rise after Chikako and began getting some food out for everyone. Sasuke soon woke up with Sakura and helped her brush her hair while they ate.

Everyone besides Naruto was up and ready. While they waited Chikako decided to take a quick bath in a nearby lake. By the time she was back Sasuke was lecturing Naruto.

The group took off at a slower speed than yesterday. They traveled for about a week before they arrived at the Leaf village.

A loud explosion came from deep inside the village. After sharing a worried glance, they took off at full speed towards the explosion.

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