New Relationships

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They both processed the information and thought of a battle strategy while the female found a nice soft patch of grass to sleep on.

The clanking of metal on metal woke Chikako up from her slumber. Neji and Sasuke were fighting back-to-back. The other three looked strong. She watched as they fought for a moment before getting up. Making sure to conceal her chakra, Chikako snuck into an area with a few trees just a few meters from where she was previously sleeping.

Just as the only female in the group launched at Sasuke with a kunai covered in poison, Chikako came out of her spot and disarmed the girl. She grabbed the other girl's wrist and twisted. The other girl groaned in pain as she dropped the kunai she was holding. Her teammates glanced at her in worry, but that gave the other two an opportunity to land a hit.

Chikako used her other hand to break the girls nose with the bottom of her palm before kneeing her in the stomach. When the girl bent over to grab her aching stomach, Chikako used a swift chop to the back of her neck to knock her out.

The boys seemed to be having more trouble than she did, but she was well aware of how capable they were.

As they fought Chikako's eyes landed on Sasuke. The curse mark on his neck was getting bigger and began expanding further down his back and up his neck. With a troubling flash of his sharingan, Sasuke used his Chidori to blow his opponent away. The boy landed in a nearby tree in an extremely uncomfortable looking position.

With the boy realizing he was the last one standing, he panicked allowing Neji to use his eight-trigram attack. With that fight over, the three of them ended the day with nine scrolls in total.

Night once again rolled around, and the boys fell asleep. Chikako got up from her spot and gathered all nine scrolls. That only left Ra-Kun's team and one other. The silver haired girl had an inkling that her old friends team had the other six scrolls.

Chikako used a piece of cloth that was on the ground from the earlier fight and wrapped the nine scrolls in it. If she didn't beat the three guarding the winning scroll, at least Sasuke and Neji would have the other scrolls. Neji should be able to find them easily with his byakugon. Chikako hid them in a large bird's nest in a nearby tree before going back to the spot she found the night before.

Unlike the previous night, Chikako made her presence known right away.

"I figured you would come here tonight" Kakashi said she he leaned on a tree to the left of Chikako. She moved her body to face her older brother.

"I'm assume I have to fight you" she said. Kakashi got off of the tree and walked towards the younger girl.

"If you beat me, you need to fight Jiraiya, and if you beat him you need to get through Lady Hokage to get the scroll. Anko did tell you it was in a dangerous spot." He explained. Chikako understood what she had to do to get the scroll.

Her sharingan activated at the same time Kakashi's did. They both jumped apart and began making hand signs. They both sent Justus after jutsu towards the other, but Kakashi would copy his little sister and the attacks would cancel each other out.

Without using hand signs, Chikako created her wind card Justu and threw it towards Kakashi. He could not copy her Justus and instead opted to dodge. It sliced through a tree. Chikako rushed Kakashi until their positions were switched. She used her chakra to make a small plant to rock the tree. It began falling quickly on top of Chikako.

"Watch out!" Kakashi yelled. Chikako fell to the ground, pretending as if she, her ankle. In a panic the male rushed towards his sister to help her. At the last second Chikako moved out of the way and tripped Kakashi. The tree landed on him, and he groaned in pain.

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