Kakashi's sister

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"You did what?" Tsunade yelled. Her brows were knitted in concern and anger. All directed towards the four ninja in front of her. The echo of her hands slamming on the table  rang throughout the silent room as the woman jumped to her feet.

"We left her behind" Kakashi repeated. He sounded guilty. Good. He did something so terribly wrong and stupid. Tsunade couldn't even fathom what they were thinking when they left Chikako behind. What would they do if she joined with another rival village? Or even worse, became a rouge!

"I'm beyond disappointed. It will be your responsibility to tell all the nurses, Lee, Iruka, the other genin, and the children what happened to Chikako. You three may leave. Kakashi Hatake you stay behind." Lady Tsunade ordered angrily. Her voice was a low roar. With a threatening undertone that did nothing to quell the heaviness in their chests. The three kids walked out of the office with their feet dragging leaving Kakashi alone with the furious Hokage.

"You failed" Last Tsunade spit harshly. Her voice came out raspy now. Almost emotional. She thought very highly of Chikako, she was close with her. Every morning she would wake the Hokage up and they would do paperwork together; Chikako would help her heal severely wounded shinobi without asking any questions; The girl even cooked for her when she worked late or had a hangover. She helped take care of Tsunade just as much as Shizume did. Without realizing it, Chikako had become an important part of Tsunade's life and now a girl -she almost considered her own- was gone.

"I gave you a simple mission Kakashi. Keep Chikako, your sister, happy and in this village. Now that she's gone who knows what will happen. You doomed the whole village to destruction!" She yelled. Kakashi's head fell lower and lower after each and every word. Lady Hokage's face was red as she shouted. She let out a long sigh before continuing.

"That's what would happen if it was anyone else. Chikako would never hurt the children or people here. Be thankful for your sisters kind heart" Lady Tsunade said sternly. Her voice was low and sad. Kakashi felt even worse seeing the look of exhaustion on the females face.

"Dismissed. I will think about what happens from here" Kakashi let out a deep breath he didn't even realize he was holding, and then left the room.

Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura dejectedly walked through the town to their own homes. As they passed some of the towns people called out to them, welcoming them back.

"Welcome back!" The three of them would nod in response and gather up a small, tired smile. They were about to split ways when they heard Iruka.

"Hey guys, Welcome back! I can't wait to see Chikako tomorrow. The kids have been driving me near crazy asking about her" Iruka said laughing happily. All three of them stopped in their tracks. Children? That's right she would help out at the school when she had free time. They would stop her in the streets and make her gifts when she left on missions. Every kid in the village loved the silver haired girl.  Remembering that just added salt to the wound.

A few days passed and the villages spirit was sinking fast. The hospital patients and nurses were upset and overworked. More shinobi were building up in the hospital and less were getting healed. The children who were close to Chikako cried making their parents and siblings uneasy. The mood of the village was weighing heavily on team seven knowing it was all their fault.

It was finally the first time they had met up in five days since coming back from the mission. They all sat or stood in various positions sulking about what happened. 

"That's it! I can't take this anymore! We need to do something!" Naruto yelled in frustration.

"Like what?" Sasuke asked sarcastically. The annoyance was obvious in his voice. He was royally pissed.

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