Teacher Vs Akatsiki

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Chikako burst through the village until she found the training area. Immediately she saw Raiga, Ranmaru, Hikari, Temari, Kankuro, and many other leaf village shinobi fighting off Pain's paths and the Akatsuki.

The other Akatsuki were battling various shinobi from around the village. Chikako immediately went for the biggest threat. She ran up to Hikari and smashed her fist on the ground to reveal Zetsu.

"Seal them now!" Chikako yelled at Hikari while she fought off both Zetsu's sides. Within a few seconds, Zetsu had a chain seal around him. Both of his sides came together and struggled to get out of the chains. 

"Keep him sealed. I'll be right back" Chikako ordered Hikari. He nodded and struggled to keep Zetsu still. Chikako called up one of her bunny summons. Romeo was a special bunny. If you seal anything inside him it would disappear into nothingness.

The small rabbit grew into a large sized bunny and when it opened it's mouth, the overwhelming suction pulled Zetsu into Romeo's mouth. When the man was fully in it's mouth, the bunny closed his mouth and munched a few times before burping loudly then smiling at Chikako. She pat it's soft head.

Hikari looked disgusted  at the smell of it's burp while Chikako told Romeo to go back.

One down.

Chikako felt a spike in chakra and immediately ran over to the area. Itachi was badly wounded. His forehead was resting on Sasuke's. The younger Uchiha's eyes widened and Itachi fell.

A green glow of Chakra was immediately applied to Itachi. Chikako put as much chakra as she could, but it wasn't working.

"Healing release; Configuration 99- angels cure" Chikako used her life force to create an elixir of sorts with her chakra. It has the power to heal anything. When Chikako was done. Sasuke was still standing next to her with a shocked expression.

"He cannot fight and will be in a coma for a few days. Take him somewhere safe. Remember who your true enemy is." Sasuke nodded with a determined look on his face. He was going to save his innocent brother.

Chikako figured that Sasuke was out of the fight. He was most like going to find Danzo and take him down.

Screams and cries rippled through the air. Madara was nowhere in sight, and it seemed all the Akatsuki were spread around the village. They always travel in pairs. Kazuku with Hidan, Deidara with Sasori, Konan with Pein, and Itachi with Kisame. Now that Itachi was not at his side Kisame would be hard to defeat but not a threat .

Large explosions went off in rapid success. Leading Chikako to her next battle.

Temari, Kankuro, and Sakura are fighting the art pair. They were fighting as a group, while Sasori and Deidara fought as two separate people.

Temari and Kankuro could time their attacks perfectly and Sakura was able to find the openings they left for her to strike. She had improved a lot since Chikako last saw her fight.

Soon enough Deidara used his self districting jutsu to wipe everyone out. Chikako immediately jumped in between them and threw herself at Deidara. She didn't have time to use a jutsu. Chikako used her kekkei ganekia and made a large dome. She was caught inside with Deidara as he exploded.

After the explosion the shield was released smoke soared above the trees. Chikako fell to he ground landing on her knees. She coughed up blood. With the impact and her kekkei genkai she wasn't sure if she could handle it. One of the downsides to her Kekkei genkai is if she gets hurt her chakra protects her and in turn the chakra is lost.

"Take care of Sasori. I need to stop Pain's paths. If you see Neji tell him to find he Akatsuki with purple hair and paper. Kill her." they all nodded as Chikako collected herself and began to search for Pain's paths.

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