Chapter One: Fire From Within

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Let the adventure begin!

Enjoy my lovelies!
Putrid black smoke swirled and steamed off a scorched building, that was once called a school. Even from the disfigured tv screen, you could still see the embers dying down.

The school had once been ravishing with tall white towers and marble floors. But the fires tongues licked it up and swallowed it whole.

The cheerful newsman just came on when Mrs. Green turned the tv off. Mrs. Green tilted her fair head at her daughter and watched with careful eyes. "Did you do that?"

Emoriah gazed into her mother's bright green eyes that glowed with uncertainty and wondered if her mother really knew what happened earlier that day.

She felt her lower lip tremble, as she looked at her mother squarely in the eye and answered her. "Yes, I did."

Emoriah watches, as her mother's flawless skin wrinkles in distress and eyes narrow in suspicion.

"How? Why?"

Emoriah glances around her living room nervously and stops at an old picture hanging over the fireplace.

It was a picture of her parents on their wedding day. Even though her dad left seven years ago her mother never took the photo down. She hated the picture because it reminded her of what could have happened if he didn't leave.

Would she have been bullied since first grade? Would they be not as poor? All she knew was if she had a chance to meet her father she would turn away.


Emoriah turned her attention back to her mother and sighed. "I don't know?"

"Well can you at least tell me what happened?" Her mother pleaded.

Emoriah looked into her mother's pleading eyes and had to give in. "Fine."

Taking a deep breath to soothe the nervous jitters laying in her stomach Emoriah explains her day. "It happened after lunch. Third period. I was walking down a hallway alone when a group of popular kids surrounded me."

"Hey, move you lazy twit." A tall boy demands, bumping his shoulder against hers.

Books fall from her arms and splatter to the ground in an entangled mess. Emoriah sighs heavily and smothers the anger laying hidden in the pit of her stomach.

It will do her no good to fight back.

Feeling better she leaned over to retrieve her precious books from the floor. Which she regretted later.

A harsh kick from behind smacks her between her shoulder blades sending her spiraling to the floor in pain. Wiping the blood from her chin Emoriah glares back up at the laughing students above her in distaste.

A small dainty-like girl stood above her. Her long brown hair was straightened to perfection, as were her features little and porcelain.

But Emoriah wasn't fooled by the small smile splayed on Rachel's face, as she glanced down at her.

She only had to spot the icy look in Rachel's eyes to know her intentions were never innocent.

"Any luck on your dad? Rumor has it that he ran away with a prostitute leaving you and your mom. Is it true? If it is, you have my sincerest sympathy." Rachel says sweetly, yet Emoriah notices the twitch of her smile and rolls her eyes.

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