Chapter Twenty-one: The not-so Innocent Captive

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An echoing pain brought Emoriah's mind conscious and back to the present. She let her eyes adjust to the darkness around her, while moving to sit up.

She raised to put a hand on her pounding headache, but something constricted her. Thick rope bound her hands and ankles rubbing tightly against her tender skin.

Deep snores snapped her from her thoughts. She glanced around the dark space to see black figures in front of her laying around the dead embers of a fire.

Were they all Adar's?

She called to her dragons as worry tugged in her gut but a comforting awareness from the trees notified their presence.

Maybe, just maybe she could get out of here alive.

She called for her dragons and watched, as they moved silently in the air their wings glistening under the moonlight. As they chewed on her bonds she examined the figures laid out. There was eight in total. Eight, tall...golden eyed monsters that wanted her dead.

Amos rubbed the swollen skin on her ankles with his scaly head, as the bonds snapped. She stood up slowly and grabbed his small blue leathery body. Tucking him in a pocket in her cloak she crept to the forest feeling her throat clog tightly in fear.

Asita's sharp talons dug in her shoulder alerting that there was an intruder. But it was too late.

"What do we have here?" A voice rattled deeply, raising the hair on Emoriah's arms.

Fear struck her as she watched the golden eyed man step out from the foliage. His gold eyes watched her with a strange intensity much like a predators, as he took a step closer.

"Are you going to be a nuisance like your father?" The Adar whispered, as he took another slow step.

The fear vanished from Emoriah's chest at those words, as swirling hot anger replaced it. "What did you do to my father?"

The creature stretched its skin tightly across his lips in a smirk watching her. "What did we not do? No, the question you should be asking is "If he's alive."

Emoriah gritted her teeth in annoyance, as the creature watched her calmly.

He was waiting for a reaction from her. Wasn't he? Well he wasn't going to get one.

She cleared the raging expression on her face and met his cold eyes with her own.

"Fine, is he alive?"

The Adar seemed surprised for quick second, studying her under the moonlight. "Yes, he is quite alive for now." He took another step towards her only a few inches laid in between them now.

He raised his hand to her face and dragged it slowly down the soft skin on her cheek leaving goosebumps in their wake. "Your father went insane when he heard you passed the portal, knowing you were unknowingly sending yourself to us prepackaged with a red bow."

The Adar leaned his head to Emoriah's ear and she shivered when his cold breath brushed her skin.

"I will never forget his screams as we tortured him. His demands for us to leave you alone, as he was driven to insanity." He said, stepping back from her with a contented expression splayed on his face.

Blood drained from Emoriah's face at his words.

Her father tortured?

Boiling hot fury steamed in her stomach, as thick pressure laced her body. She didn't understand the feeling she just wanted it to be released, to hurt the creature in front of her.

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