Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Intelligent Horned Beasts

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"Oh my! Child you have been through so much." The older woman said, as she tenderly stroked the small fiery curls on Emoriah's head.

"Yes, that is why I shall never forgive that insufferable arse. There were so many ways we could have hid my hair. Yet, he was being his stubborn impatience self and decided his way was the only way." Emoriah crossed her arms and puffed her cheeks out angrily.

"There. There." Emoriah felt a small pat and looked up to the women's gaze. "I'm sorry, I never asked your name?"

The women pulled the silky sheets up the bed and slid a wrinkled hand down the plush pillow. "Names have power."

The women looked up and winked softly at Emoriah. "But I will tell you mine, because I trust you sweet Emoriah. My name is Ariella." The woman walked back over to where Emoriah sat on the bed and clutched Emoriah's small pale hand between her warm comforting ones.

"Kaede will be in your life longer than you expect. So, give him a chance and end this war between you two."

Emoriah laughed and looked down at their clasped hands. "Don't you think I've tried that already? He's just to stubborn. Too cold-hearted."

Another pat was laid on Emoriah's hands, before Ariella stood up from the bed again.

"But have you ever wondered why?"

A smile left the women's amused face before she turned and headed towards the door, before opening it Ariella paused and turned back towards her.

"And Miss Emoriah? Take a bath." Chuckling deeply, Ariella closed the door softly behind her.

What did she mean?

There was no possible way that her future involved a friendship between her and Kaede. Not even if his icy cold eyes called to her or the many layers of hardened masks, he wore that she wanted to pry apart with her bare hands.

He was just an impossible overpowering chauvinist, who did nothing but annoy her twenty-four seven. She could live without him.


She would really could care less if he left right now. She didn't need his spiteful malicious words. Or the many glaring stares he threw her way.


Screaming into her thickly sheeted pillow she let her tight pressurized anger flow from her stomach. "Flipping...arse-headed...wanker."

She grunted with each slam of her fists upon the feathered cushion. Finally, through with her little tantrum she got up from the bed to bathe.


Pulling the clean clothes Ariella left in the room for her, Emoriah studied her new attire in the mirror. Moving her legs around in the tight brown trousers was a slight difference to the baggy ones she had on earlier.

She missed the freedom. Tucking the black shirt under her pants she glanced in the mirror to spot a sad disdainful twiggy boy staring back.

Would she ever be beautiful?

She knew it was a vain question. But she couldn't help herself. Gone was her luscious hair. What next? Her leg?

Grabbing her cloak Emoriah snapped it around her neck. Reaching under the tunic Emoriah grasped on to the fiery red necklace that laid there.

Warmth flooded down her hand and through her arm, before swirling in a comfortable glaze over the tight nerves in her stomach. She didn't know how. But she could sense it. They were close. Her father was close.

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