Chapter two: The golden eyed man

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^^ Emoriah's parents

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^^ Emoriah's parents

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Emoriah flinched away from her mother's giant green eyes and the clammy fingers wrapped around her forearm.

She couldn't breathe. This wasn't right. Someone was looking for her?

Breathing deeply the thick air clung to her nose, as she inhaled slowly. Once she had calmed the nerves mangled tightly in her chest she raised a brow at her mother. "What is going on?"

Her mother sighs frustratedly, before bending back down to shove more clothes in the duffle. "We don't have time. We have to leave right now. I promise once we get somewhere safe I will tell you everything."

Emoriah grabbed her mother's shoulders and studied the jumbled mess her mother had become. A sliver of fear laid in the deep depths of her mother's eyes shining uncertainly under the small lights that twinkled lightly in the room.

She knew at this moment she only had to trust her mother. "Ok. Let me help." Taking the duffle bag from her mothers trembling fingers she finished the packing.

She watched as her mother's eyes softened at her compliance, before moving frantically around the room for something. Emoriah set the duffle on her bed, as she saw her mother walk over to her chipped wooden nightstand to move it.

She watched puzzled, as her mother placed her hands on the wall and slid them down its crumbly surface. Concerned for her mother's mentality Emoriah walked over to smack her back to the present.

Mrs. Green slid the fiery red necklace from her neck and held it gently to a baseboard on the floor. A loud pop cracked the air followed by the board springing to life revealing a hidden compartment behind its rough and wooden edges.

Emoriah froze in bewilderment and studied the scene in front of her with her mind-spinning.

What else did her mother not tell her? She might as well be hiding a blazing unicorn.

Her mother reached in and grabbed a small object concealed in brown paper, before stuffing it under the thick layers of her coat.

"Ok, explain," Emoriah demanded, more confused by the minute.

Her mom smiled lightly softening the worried lines upon her face, before shaking her head. "Later. Are you ready to leave?"

Emoriah sighed impatiently and walked over to her bookcase to scan for her favorite book.

She just couldn't get enough of Jane Austen.

Her fingertip just graced the smooth paper of its cover, when she heard a creak from the staircase echo throughout the house.

She froze with her hand resting on its thick pages.

What the hell was that?

Emoriah watched from the corner of her eye, as her mother pulled a small flashlight from her jean pocket and twirled it around her fingers skillfully. Emoriah snatched her book from the case and quietly walked back over to her mother.

Her mother glanced her over before shoving her towards the bed. "Get under." Her mother whispers, her voice breaking the chilly silence in the room.

Emoriah almost retorted back when she heard another creak from the stairs. A shiver raced down her spine and she gladly followed her mother's instructions. She curled up in a tight ball and rocked silently, as she held in a tremendous sneeze.

For the next eight minutes, it was silent. A terrifying silence that seemed to suck all oxygen from the room and replacing it with a cold shivering apprehension.

She only heard her panting breath against her sticky skin, as she felt sweat slide from her forehead plastering the fiery curls upon her cheeks. And then her door flew open with a piercing bang.

Right off its hinges.

Emoriah gasped almost choking on her saliva, as she peeked from under the narrow bed.

In the doorway stood a dark cloaked figure with piercing golden eyes. She felt the gaze of them fall on her mother then slide over the room slowly, like a starving animal sighting a delightful dinner.

She could feel the heavy pressure of them burning through the many fabrics of the bed freezing the shallow breaths escaping from between her lips. She shivered and clutched her clammy hands tighter around her bony legs.

A rattling breath filled the room, as a thick rough voice broke the ebbing silence. "Give me the girl."

Her mother raised the flashlight higher and snarled. "Over my dead body."

The man smirked his face stretching tightly across his cheeks showcasing the many bones sticking out. "Well, if you say so."

Then his body trembled. His skin rippled like millions of scaly hissing snakes were slithering inside of him. He moaned then stretched his wings out.

Emoriah peered closer and gasped as his once human arms were giant feathery wings. Twenty hours ago, if someone told her that her father was not human she would have laughed in their face, much less watch a man turn into a giant bird.

The bird's extensive wings took almost half of her room in a feathery mangle. It shook its feathery head then turned its golden eyes at her mother. Snapping his prominent beak it dived at her.

Emoriah watched as her mother swung the flashlight expertly around her slender fingers and strike the creature on the forehead. The bird stumbled backward and shook out a few feathers glaring fiercely.

Her mother clicked on the flashlight and hurled it at the creature's eye. The glare of the flashlight shone in the bird's eye momentarily blinding it before it sank into the creatures feathered head. Emoriah closed her eyelids tightly, as she heard the body drop to the ground.

A sickening tremble ached in her body, as her mind caught up with the present.

There was a dead body in her room. On her floor. Probably decaying by the minute.

She shivered at the last thought. The woman in front of her was not the mother she knew. The mother she knew was as clumsy as the three stooges. Not a flashlight throwing ninja. Emoriah crawled out from under the bed slowly and stretched her back while watching her mother from the corner of her eye.

Her mother walked over to the body and pulled the flashlight from the creature's eye. Emoriah watched as blood ran down a sharp blade protruding from the end of the flashlight staining the old white carpet beneath their feet.

Where the heck did that blade come from?

Emoriah watched her mother wipe the rest of the thick blood off on her curtains, before turning towards her with a darkened expression. "That was an Adar. Strong creatures but can be killed easily if hit in a certain spot."

Emoriah opened her mouth to ask her mother where she learned all of this, but only a gurgle of air left her between her lips.

Her mother smiled sympathetically at her and gestured towards the broken door. Emoriah reached across the bed and grabbed the frayed duffle beneath. Before leaving Emoriah glanced around one last time around her quaint little room.

To new beginnings.

Sighing she left the room clutching the precious book to her chest. Her mother packed a bag of food for them and another duffle for herself before they both got in the car and drove away leaving their life behind them.

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Till next time:)

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