Chapter Thirty-Four: Her Un-Welcomed Visitor

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Hello lovelies!

Here's anther chapter for you!

Above is the throne room^

Throbbing sadness strung against Emoriah's heart, as she stroked Altair's massive furry cheek. She had never thought of herself as an animal person but that quickly changed the moment she toppled into Ari.

"Will, we see each other again?"

Altair's stared at her with his penetrating piercing gaze as if saying "duh."

Extensive sharp claws extended from Altair's paws, as he purred in rumbled contentment from her stroking fingers. Emoriah felt him move closer to her with his thick magenta fur brushing her cheeks, before the horned beast blew softly down on her face with a warm blissful exhale.

A distinct earthy scent filled her nose, before it vanished in the tress around them. Emoriah reached up on her tip-toes to pat his massive head, while a soft sad smile danced at her lips.

"Your highness, it would be best to head inside soon. The sun will wait for no one." Whispered Thale, his velvety voice so close to her ear.

Emoriah stepped back and looked over the handsome boy with his charming smile, and deep secluded blue eyes.

"Yes, but.."

"I agree with him Emoriah. He needs to return to Ariella." Her father commanded, sharply, as he cut off her words with a pointed look.

Emoriah pursed her lips and fought the burning urge to retaliate. "Okay. Altair, I dismiss you." She said in quiet whisper, as she bent her head in respect.

Altair bowed his massive head in return, before a deep thundering growl erupted from his chest. Emoriah felt the floor beneath her feet shake slightly from the terrifying sound, before numerous growls answered his call.

Altair gazed over her nimble frame with a twinkle in his intelligent eyes, before he bounded and leaped away with a slight twitch of his long-striped tail. The mighty horned herd followed his swift pace with pounding paws, and vicious growls of excitement.

She sympathized anyone who got in their way.

"Come my dear." Her father said, as he wrapped his arm over her shoulders tenderly.

Her father's appearance had not changed a bit from the gloomy inhabits of the prison. His skin now in the bright sunlight was bruised in hues of purples and greens and stuck to his cheekbones like glue.

Emoriah slightly winced from her father's boney arm, before she let her father guide her towards the brilliant white gleaming castle before them.



Sparkling rays from the setting sun shinned through the numerous glass windows above sending shimmering colorful reflections across the extensive marble flooring. The great marble hallway was massive with its towering columns molded to the ceiling and smooth arches to keep them stabilized.

Something bright caught Emoriah's eye, as she entered the marble hallway. Red tapestries stitched with gold were hung over the marble walls portraying snarling dragons, as they flew in the clouds. Past the vibrant tapestries and across the slippery marble floor stood the throne. Ten feet of solid gold.

Emoriah stumbled over her feet at the majestic sight of the throne.

How could she ever be worthy to rule?

Unshackling the King (The Dragon Lorde #1)Where stories live. Discover now