Chapter Thirty-Three: The Castle of Valen

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I'm back!!! Hope y'all had a Merry Christmas!!


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A soft rhythmic rising then falling motion slowly hauled Emoriah out from her deep sleep, and away from the spiraling dreams filled with numerous golden eyes.

Hot bursts of heat from above stung her eyes, as she opened them in confusion.

Barmy, how long was she asleep for?

Glancing around with a sharp reeling pain in her stomach she listened to the soft tweeting of birds, as she soaked up the bright green shades of the forest around them. The cold delicate drops of snow from before had vanished, as was any trance of the mountain.

A deep growl startled Emoriah's puzzled examination, as she shot her hands forward from a rather abrupt jolting twitch beneath her arse. Her face smacked harshly against bristly soft fur sending immediate sharp pain to her nose.


Emoriah ran her fingers through the familiar thick coat of fur, before shifting her weight entirely. "Blimey, I'm sorry Altair."

The Dyrio Horn beneath her snorted lowly before a soft purr vibrated from beneath her legs.

"I see you're finally awake Emoriah."

Emoriah glanced up a bit startled and met Shay's concerned gaze with her own. "How long was I asleep?"

"Around ten hours."

"I see." Emoriah shifted through her memories with a startling amount of confusion.

How did they escape the feathery fiends? That last memory she had was being dragged rather forcefully up the stairs by the bloody tosser himself.

"What exactly happened?"

Shay shifted her weight, before throwing her long golden braid behind her back. "Your element was drained. Unfortunately, it causes the body to slowly shut down so that your power may restore itself." Shay looked up with an amused grin lighting up her expression. "Each person is effected differently."

Prat. What bloody mess did she get herself into this time?

"You were drunk on a certain chemical that was produced through your blood stream it seems as if...."

Emoriah blocked the rest of the words flowing from Shay's lips as tragic humiliation flooded her mind.

Foozling dimwit! Who knows what she blabbered! She could have made an absolute fool of herself. And Kaede......Blast!

This would only give that icy man more reasons to think of her as an idiotic lunatic.

"Will this occur every time I drain my power?" Emoriah gritted out past her lips.

"Yes, I believe so."

Flipping fantastic.

Emoriah searched her eyes over the green landscape and noticed five flittering mischievous dragons zooming and diving a few feet above her. She called to them with a slight smile on her face.

Finally, you're awake.

Now, don't you sound happy.....did I miss much?

Asita cocked her head, as her little pink forked tongue slithered out.

No. Though it seemed you had fun during the escape.

Emoriah narrowed her eyes at the amused black dragon perched on her shoulder, before swatting lightly at her scaly head.

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