Chapter Nineteen: The massacre within the Leather Bag

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"What did I tell you. Women will never have the cleverness to connect with a dragon's mind."

Emoriah snapped her eyes open quickly to glare at Kaede, who was standing at the foot of her bed impatiently tapping his foot. Yes, Kaede was trying to help her communicate with her dragons by using her mind. Apparently, Emoriah made her first mistake by not keeping the egg by her side 24/7 before the hatching.

Once bonded by the slight touch of her fingers the dragon egg had to be kept warm by her presence, and her presence alone. Now she had to face the consequences.

Emoriah gritted her teeth and closed her eyes. She had to do this. For herself. And for all females. She prodded out timidly with her mind, recalling Kaede words. "When you reach the connection of your dragons mind you will see an open door. Walk past it and you will be able to communicate with them."

Emoriah could feel the leathery body of Amos in her lap. But she could also sense something else in the dark void of her mind. She sensed his presence, his happiness, his love for her. Then a door appeared behind her eyelids. An open door brightening the darkness around her. As she stepped through a zing enveloped around her, warming her skin from head to toe.

His thoughts were quick and fleeting, flitting around like a beehive. She could feel it. The bond that was connecting their minds. It was different than the bond with Asita. They couldn't speak with words it was more of feelings and emotions. She could sense how he felt, hear the words that wanted to be spoken.

Emoriah snapped her eyes open taking in Kaede's irritating yet comforting aura.

"It worked."


Emoriahs heels clacked against the marble floor, as she hurried back to her room. That bulbous boy thinks he's better than everyone, doesn't he? Thinks women are little dainty creatures not able to hold up on their own. Well, that snide evil little cockroach will be proved wrong! Once I prove it to him. Her dragons chirped in agreement, as they flew ahead of her leading her towards her room. She really needed a map.

She shut her bedroom door behind her, instantly relieved to be back in safety. She watched as her dragons glided to the open balcony door hearing the squeals of excitement as they zipped this, and that. The sun was setting behind the forest blessing the sky with bright reds, and oranges.

She laid down on her bed trying to relax, but the pain broiling in her stomach made it quite hard to drift off. The healing dragon may have healed her wounds, but it didn't heal the ferocious beast that laid in her stomach. She drifted her fingers down the rough fabric of her dress until her fingertips brushed against a rougher fabric. Confused, she looks down to see the packages from earlier were still attached to her dress with a thin cord. Oh, she had almost forgotten.

She ripped them open swiftly, excitement numbing the pain in her stomach. The leather bag was just how she remembered. Simple, yet soft to touch. Emoriah didn't know why the bag caught her eye it was rather ugly and plain. But it called to her silly enough. She felt this tugging in her hands by the window of the shop just as she did now, as she ran her fingers down its intriguing sides. She opened it slowly, almost hesitantly. It's not going to bite. Stop being a chicken! She squared her head and pulled the last binding that kept the bag fastened.

Nothing happened as the strings fell off and the straps of the bag unfolded. Nothing, until Emoriah leaned her head over the opening. It wasn't something that mystified Emoriah. It was the bottomless void of darkness. What made it so confusing was that the bag seemed to have no end. How curious.

Deciding to be brave she stuck her arm inside and lowered it down. She could barely brush the edge of her fingertips, as she reached the bottom. She pushed her arm down further but flinched back, when a sharp prick stabbed her finger. Barmy! What was that?

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