Chapter Forty-Four: Ballroom Prance

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The wonderful Beverly Marsh is how I picture Emoriah!!
and please help yourself to that lovely little star down below.


"A surprise indeed, Lorde Marwick." Emoriah uttered, before glancing over at Willow in confusion.
But the lanky blonde only pursed her lips tighter before skittering her bright green gaze down towards the marbled floor.

"You must know I'm quite delighted you and my daughter are already acquainted! Who would have thought......Willow? What happened to you?!" Lorde Marwick finished, with a darkening edge growing in his tone.

Emoriah watched as Willow lifted her head slowly up towards her father, before playing with the stained silk of her dress quite fretfully. "It was just an accident father."

"Ah, my dear. When will you ever heed with those accidents?" Lorde Marwick mumbled, tiredly, as he rubbed the skin between his eyes. "However, will I find a suitable suitor for you when you're causing a disarray wherever you go?"

Emoriah frowned as she spotted bitter disappointment flash in Willow's eyes.

There seemed to be more than they were letting on.

"Lorde Marwick, it wasn't her fau..." Emoriah began, only to be interrupted by pitter-pattering of feet and high-pitched squeals of joy.


Four beautiful young girls then entered the corridor with remnants of laughter lingering in their luminous bright eyes.

"Father have you found her?"

"Oh, Willow!!"

"Blimey, what the hells did you do to yourself now?" The girls cried in diversion, as they hurried their hefty gowns over towards them.

"And here we go." Emoriah heard Willow whisper, beside her.

Emoriah instantly recognized the similarities some of the beautiful young girls had to the young woman standing beside her. Two of the young girls had luscious golden hair spiraling down their backs, while the other pair had raven-brown locks with even darker eyes to match.

Yet there was a unusual slope on all of their noses and a mysterious twinkle within their gleaming gazes that spoke to Emoriah that they were anything, but innocent.

Crikey!! They were all sisters!

"Speak like a lady, Dahlia!" Lorde Marwick, demanded, as the girls finally stopped before them.

The little raven haired girl, who must have been Dahlia rolled her tear-shaped eyes in annoyance. "But I am no lady, father."

Emoriah watched in amusement and maybe a bit in awe as a quarrel sprang between the two, while two other identical pretty girls cheered on in hysterical laughter.

Emoriah pulled her eyes away from the scene, as she felt a light tug on the bottom of her gown.

"Are you really a princess?" A sweet angelic voice asked.

Emoriah felt a smile arise on her lips, as she swept the loose blonde curls away from the child's pure and innocent gaze. "I'm afraid so."

The young girl's beautiful features scrunched in confusion, as if she could barely comprehend such words. "You don't like to be a princess?"

"Rosalia dear, come here." Lorde Marwick blew out, in disgruntlement. "Please forgive my daughters, your highness. They have yet to learn where they stand in this world."

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