Chapter Eight: The Telepathic Dragon

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Emoriah flinched at the soothing echo of the smooth voice that slithered in her mind for a moment, as the creature smiled an unnervingly toothy grin up at her.

This was a dragon? As in a fire breathing monster who burned princes and princess in their stony castles?

The creature tilted its scaly head freezing her with its vibrant blue eyes. Yes, I'm a dragon. But I can't spit out the hot tongues of fire.

The bloody creature just spoke! In her flipping head!

Emoriah pressed her fists in the soft blanket behind her as she scooted every so softly away from the peculiar reptile beside her. "I see. D-do you have a name?"

A name then slithered its way slowly into Emoriah's brain like melted butter.


Asita sniffed the bare skin on Emoriah's thigh in hot snorts her sharp claws digging into her flesh as she climbed her way on. Her black scales gleamed bright against the glaring sun from outside, as she stretched her slender back and curled tightly over Emoriah's skin. Emoriah sat frozen on the cold tiling floor her breath leaving her body in quick puffs, as she glanced around the flooring for a weapon.

Blast! Blast! Blast! She just sat sitting there in fright, as a reptile from another world was curled up snoozing on her leg. Where was the bloody plastic knife when she needed it?

The creature shifted and rubbed her soft leathery underside on Emoriah's leg her eyes closed in content. Emoriah glanced over to her dresser spotting the handsome brown wood of her father's chest, as an appealing idea popped in her mind.

Emoriah scooted her bony arse over the tile floor her eyes drifting every so often down to the creature latched onto her like a barnacle. Reaching up she pulled the sturdy chest down to her lap and opened it for answers.

A leather banded book laid unaccompanied within its wooden nest its old yellowed pages stuck messily from the tops and sides, as a peculiar smell of dirt oozed from being exposed.

Emoriah grabbed the faded book and brushed a finger lightly down its soft side before opening its pages. One singular word was scrawled tightly on the first page in a hurried enigmatic way.


Emoriah gently turned the friable page and began reading at a leisurely pace. Countless adored worn pages were filled with detailed drawings of countries from the world Aron. Colorful illustrations of little birds and dwindling extensive dragons were drawn flying or grounded upon the forests, and sands of the realms laid out.

Emoriah traced the names above each country her finger twirling along with each cursive letter. Ari. Aeryn. Elias.

The book seemed to portray Ari in more elaborate detail than the other two. The Isle of dragons.

Emoriah glanced down her mind whirling, as Asita twisted in her sleep enfolding two leathery black wings jutting from her scaly back. Dragons.... are real?!!!

Emoriah flipped through the colorful drawings her eyes searching for any words that popped out to her.

She discovered many answers to the buzzing questions in her head. That she was the cause for this creature hatching. A Valen Dragon Lorde is bonded with a dragon the moment their bare skin touches the shell of a dragon egg resulting in a painful electric shock.

How fantastic.

Emoriah turned to the next page and studied the fiercely luminous dragons etched upon the faded pages in many dazzling shades.

Dwarf Dragons hatch in all varied colors each shade was blessed by a different power or gift by the Salvatore himself. They are known to be much smaller than the great dragons t.......

Emoriah glanced over the exquisite etchings and stopped at a familiar black drawing with her tracing fingertip. A scaly black dragon with outstretched wings and fierce gleam in its bright orbs was drawn in great detail at the top of the page.

Emoriah glanced to the sleeping dragon attached to her leg with a small smile, before reading the sentences scrawled beneath the illustration.

A Raven Dragon was gifted with the power to telepathy. In some cases, these rare dragons were even able to control them.

Control them!

Emoriah snapped the book shut and tossed its entirety on the bed.

What a bunch of baloney.

Emoriah slowly raised her hand and ran a finger hesitantly down the cool scales of Asita's back. The dragon sprawled over and nuzzled her finger with the crook of its scaly neck, before slowly crawling to a perch.

Soft leathery wings unraveled from her sides, as she met Emoriah's gaze her eyes burning a deep blue. Two silent flaps were all it took before Asita soared into the air with her newborn wings and clumsily landed on Emoriah's shoulder.

"Em! We're leaving in five minutes." Emoriah's Aunt voiced loudly, from outside her wooden door. Emoriah flinched in surprise earning a small shriek from Asita as she stood to her feet quickly.

"Yes! I'll be right there."

Emoriah grabbed the wooden brush in her bathroom and tugged it harshly through her ratty curls. Emoriah cursed softly under breath as she spotted the springy mess of wild tangles on her head.

Is it that difficult to have a decent hair day!

She wrapped her hair in a messy bun and slid a loose scrunchie over the top. With any luck, it would hold. But it seemed she had less luck than Jeanne Rogers.

She gently lifted Asita's scaly body from her shoulder and grabbed a jacket from her closet. "You have to stay here. Okay?" The dragon stared at her for a moment before a quick answering "yes" tinkled through her mind.

Emoriah felt Asita scurry through her arm sleeve her leathery body tickling the sensitive skin there before she hunkered down in the fuzzy inside pocket of her jacket. Squaring her jaw in determination Emoriah made her way to the wooden door.

She had chips, and chocolate biscuits awaiting her.


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till next time:))

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