Chapter twenty: A lady in trousers

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Plain distinguishable horror bled from the male's chauvinist faces, as Emoriah marched her way out to the field. She held her head high, as her cloak whipped around her in a frenzied manner. It's too late to turn back now! Some boys looked at her as if she was an alien, where as others were pinching themselves thinking they were off stuck in a daydream. Come on! Its just a pair of pants!

Professor Mabon stood ahead of her, with his arms crossed tightly against his chest. "Miss, what is this ya wearing?" Emoriah would have thought of him vexed, if she didn't see the revealing smirk hidden in the corner of his mouth. He thought this was all humorous!

"What does it look like to you Professor?"

Professor Mabon was silent for a moment, as he studied her with a quizzical brow. Then a clamorous laugh spilled from his lips, as his stern manner melted away. Professor Mabon was a man old with age he reminded her of a real-life teddy bear. Emoriah felt a small smile tug on her lips, as she watched the man in front of her.

"Fiery spirit you have! It will help you win great accomplishments for the future." Professor Mabon said, looking pointedly at her his eyes twinkling a cheerful blue. Emoriah knew what he meant he knew she was to be queen. "Right! Now everyone listen carefully! Riding a dragon is not like riding a horse. When riding a dragon, you must ride as one." A small tug on her cloak brought Emoriah's attention away from Professor Mabon.

A familiar boy stood beside her. Emoriah racked her mind trying to place a name with his face, but nothing popped up. A silence sat between them in till a memory slithered its way into Emoriah's mind. A memory she knew was once forgotten. She gave a quick thanks to Asita and offered her hand to the boy. "I never got your name." She whispered.

The blonde-haired clumsy boy she met only yesterday clasped her hand tightly, before bending over to kiss the back of it. "It's Cole, your highness."

Warmth shot up her arm moving to her cheeks in a flushing blush. My what a charmer. Emoriah slapped his warm hand away and smiled. "Call me Emoriah."

"Sorry to intrude. But I've yet to meet you Miss. Emoriah." A handsome boy stated, as he stepped up beside Cole. The boy resembled the rest of the pig-headed Valen lords with the deep blue eyes, and raven hair. But there was something in his eyes that compelled her to listen. A certain compassion maybe?

"Nice dragon show yesterday." The boy quipped, with a small smile dancing on his lips

"And you are?"

"Thale. Thale Wyren. "Emoriah nodded and stuck her hand out again. Thale grabbed her slender hand between his and clasped it his tan skin contrasting with hers. His bright eyes stared down on her freezing the breath she let out in surprise. A warm bubbling feeling enveloped Emoriah's tummy like a nest of fluttering butterflies. Emoriah's head turned in confusion as the feeling didn't stop but hunkered down instead. Before she could figure out this warmth he dropped her hand and stepped back.

Emoriah shook off the daze clouding her vision and turned away from them. Professor Mabon explained the rules of safe dragon flying and different saddles that are used, before bringing his fingers to his lips and producing an ear-piercing whistle.

A deep trembling roar answered back, vibrating the ground under Emoriah's clumsy feet. Emoriah stabled herself, but nothing could prepare her for the sight above her. The glorious sight of a flying dragon. Its leathery stretching wings cast a shadow of hundred feet covering the sun shortly before landing beside Professor Mabin. Emoriah felt her curls brush against her cheeks, as the dragon snorted sending a hot current in her direction.

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