Chapter twelve: The School

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Howling from all sides echoed in Emoriah's ears as she was pushed into its black bareness. The cold bitter wind pulled and grabbed her body twisting it violently side to side.

Her stomach was in knots and her breath was left in the musky barn behind her. As the howling died down whispers rushed past her, over her shoulders then down her back. Leaving goosebumps in their path. She cupped her clammy hands over her ears and squeezed her eyes close.

Wishing for it just to be over.

Suddenly, she could feel the ground beneath her butt and smell the earthy scent that surrounded her. She tried opening her eyes but closed them tightly after the glare of the sun made her see black dots.

She slid her hands down her legs to feel the moist dirt beneath her. Feeling it sink deeper when she pressed on it to stand up. Cupping her hands around her eyes she tried opening them again.

Light blared down on her, but it wasn't as bad as the first time.

Green wildlife of a forest was in front of her. Long unnatural trunks of trees shaded the ground with their massive branches and foliage. She looked to see that she was in one of the few sunny spots that snuck through the protection of the trees.

Shaking her head, she stepped into the shade and brought her hands down looking around. Tropical plants filled the forest floor, as pink, blue, and green birds flew by tweeting a song together. The sun seemed harsher on this world everything was brighter and demanding.

"The sun's a bit much isn't it?" Emoriah swirled around, to see Shay beside her adjusting the pack on her shoulders.

"Yea, it's really bright. Are we closer to the sun or something?" Shay looked at her and started laughing.

"No, we're in a whole different parallel universe. This sun is completely different from your sun. It's a lot bigger."

"Well, that's just lovely," Emoriah said, beyond irritated when the wind blew some branches above.

Casting a glare into her eyes. Emoriah unbuttoned her coat pocket and watched as Asita crawled out and sat on her shoulders. Her weight barely heavier than a small kitten as she looked around with her bright blue eyes.

Emoriah could feel the content ooze from Asita's mind into her own putting a smile on her face. She was just as excited maybe, even more, to be in this new world. "Where are we?"

"We're near Airedale a small town a few miles that way," Shay said, pointing forward. "But I was ordered to bring you to the school, which is that way." She said, pointing to our left.

"What school?" Emoriah asked as they started walking in that direction.

"It's a school for your kind. A training program for dragon lords."

Emoriah rolled her eyes and shifted the bag on her back. "This just keeps getting better and better."


An endless grassy lawn stretched out ahead of them looking suspiciously freshly mowed. It wrapped around a massive building and ended at the tree line. The school's roof gleamed under the sun causing it to give a shiny glow of magnificent wonder.

The school had it all from balcony's to spiraling towers, even tremendous arches over the doorways. It was beyond captivating. The sweet smell of grass and the crunch under her feet confirmed her suspicions to mowing.

"It's so pretty here. Makes Earth appear like men's loo compared to it."

"It's probably because we don't believe in using the technology and gases like you humans do. So, our air is cleaner than yours, which does affect the plants and animals. Let's just say we're a little retro when it comes to that sort of thing. Oh, and clothing was very old fashioned in that department. Let's just say women especially the Royals aren't allowed to wear pants." Shay said, examining Emoriah's outfit.

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