Chapter Seven: A Lizard?

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Disfigured and melted faces haunted Emoriah's dreams the following nights. Fear tightly bundled in her stomach, as figures hidden by shadows followed her hurried steps. But every night it was another person she cared for. First, it was the melted face of her mother screaming out in the forest, as her cheeks caved in. Then her Aunt Jane disintegrating to ashy powder. For a week Emoriah shot from her tired in dosed sleep, as hot drops of sweat dribbled from her brow. She was capable of doing that. She could kill.


Oh, bullocks! Such a foozling....... Emoriah cursed loudly under breath, as she held her bloody finger to the light. Drops of scarlet blood dripped down her thin pale finger from a small induced cut ruining the perfectly clean plates below her.  Rushing her finger under water she took in the bloody mess on the floor that was only spread by the sliding of her feet. Oh, prat!

"What happened in here?" Jane's sweet voice asked worriedly.

Emoriah was surprised at how well her Aunt received the truth about her and her father. She could still picture the awed expression upon her suntanned face her eyes illuminating brightly from the candle beside them, as Emoriah explained the reality she was living in.

"Just a small knife cut its no biggie."

Emoriah felt her aunt grab her dripping finger tenderly, before guiding her to the wooden table. "It seems pretty painful. What knife cut you?"

"A plastic knife."

"Hmm, why am I not surprised?" Jane laughed amusedly, as she wrapped a bandage tightly around Emoriah's forefinger.

Emoriah flinched as her Aunt pulled the bandage harshly, before tying the loose strands together. "There. Now come help me clean this atrocious bloody mess you made in the kitchen."

Emoriah glanced over the blood-stained dishes and the tainted tiles on the floor in realization. It seemed a murder had occurred rather than the slicing of her flesh by a ferocious plastic knife.

Oh, how the tables have turned.

Emoriah stood up from the floor satisfied, as the tile below her feet gleamed free of her scarlet blood. Throwing the towel towards the trashcan she leaned on the counter heavily, as she picked at the dry blood that began to harden under her fingernails.

"Emmy were invited to a barbie at the neighbors. There will be music, people, and dancing. I think we should go especially after what J-Ja... What he did."

Emoriah nodded slowly and drummed her nails against the marble counter in a drilling force. Huh, a party?

Her lame arse was never invited to one back in London. But she needed a refreshing new excitement in her life to numb the horrors that awaited in dreamland.

Emoriah tossed clothing from her closet like a madwoman her flooring soon covered in shirts and jeans. Her fingertips than graced a silky fabric causing her to rip it from its hidden content and smile in triumphant.

She held the flowy white top in her hands and bit her cheek in thought. The shirt was her mothers, though she didn't know how it made it down here in Australia.

Pushing her thoughts away she pulled the thin shirt over her fiery mange of hair and fastened the small tie at the front.

She didn't need some wankers starring at her bobambas!

Finding a decent enough pair of jeans, she pulled it over her thin legs and hobbled over to her bed. A snap crackled the air, as she buckled her frayed jeans to her hips.

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