Chapter thirteen: Petticoats, corsets, and dresses oh my

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A small timid voice broke Emoriah out of her sleep. "Miss? Miss are you awake?"

Emoriah rubbed her crusty eyes and looked around confused. Where was she? Then the memories hit her one by one. How she was pushed through the portal by a devious fae, then treated like a street rat at her arrival. Oh, blast! She thought it had been a nightmare.


Oh right! "Yes, I'm awake. You can come in." Emoriah said, choking out the last words. She clucked her dry tongue against the roof of her mouth.

What she really needed was a cold glass of water.

The door opened to a very tiny woman balancing a wooden bowl and cup in her arms. When she said little, she meant little. In fact, women were only three feet tall.

She had a very pretty face complimented with a small button nose, light golden locks, and dark green eyes.

"I brought you some vegetable stew." She said, placing the bowl on a small table beside the bed. "It should help with your uneasy stomach."

She clasped her fidgeting hands together and looked over Emoriah's attire in a puzzled expression. "Would you like to change miss?"

Emoriah looked down at her scuffed tennis shoes and jeans that haven't seen their best years to the giant coat that swallowed her whole.

Her outfit wasn't that bad. Or was it?

"Yes." She lifted herself off the bed and almost gagged, as a reeking smell of body odor hit her nose. "Is it possible if I could take a bath as well?"


Soapy suds trailed down Emoriah's arms as her finger followed behind them like a caboose. She sighed as Lyra massaged her head with more soap bubbles.

Loving the way her fingers softly untangled her mane. They made introductions before Emoriah stripped naked to get in the tub of warm water. She learned that Lyra was an elf explaining her short stature and tiny pointed ears that poked out from her blond trusses.

Emoriah didn't realize how dirty she was in till she got in the water. The water was now a murky brown and it seemed that there was still more dirt caked on her. Making her get out Lyra pulled the tub to her balcony and poured the nasty water down from it.

Hopefully, no one was looking up from down below or they would get a face full, of gushing smelly water.

Lyra came back and tugged on a thick rope that protruded from the folding screen beside them. There was a gurgle then from a hole in the ceiling above them came hot water. Emoriah stepped back in surprise as she felt some hot drops land on her bare skin. In a matter of seconds, the tub was refilled and Emoriah was ushered back in.

"Your hair is so unusual miss. Is this shade found often in your world?" Lyra asked, as she took her from the tub and wrapped a large white cloth around her body.

"No, it's not very common. I was the only redhead at my last school." Em answered, twirling a curl around her finger.

To be honest she loved her hair. It was unique, curly and always had a temper of its own.

"Oh, how intriguing! There are no redheads in Aron. So, you definitely will stand out." She said as she combed Emoriah's tight curls.

Great. Like she didn't need any more attention placed on her.

"Well, that's fantastic."

Not catching her sarcasm Lyra chatted away about hairstyles that were supposedly in fashion.

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