Chapter Thirty: The Entrance to the Feathery Lair

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"Don't mind him."

Emoriah scrunched her eyebrows in confusion her eyes following Kaede's erected powerful back, as he stormed his way towards the Dyrio horns. Emoriah felt a warm hand grasp her arm tightly diverting her attention away from the infuriating boy.

"Tell me, how did you two do that without any training?"

Shay's iridescent green eyes stared determinedly at her, as a tinge of warning in her melodic voice demanded for an answer. 

Emoriah pursed her lips and crossed her lanky arms over her waist "We just did. Why?"

"It's just unheard of. Two untrained fifteen-year-olds connecting fully with their element and working together as one. I must say I'm very impressed."

Emoriah glances over to Cole's puzzled face and smiles saucily. "We're a good team."

The golden-haired boy smirked and wrapped his thin arm around her shoulders. "That's because we're from Earth. We've got some connection Shirley temple."

Emoriah laughs and ruffles the silky golden locks protruding from his head. "I agree Goldilocks."

A resounding roar echoed from behind them, as the fiery winds above were losing their grip on the massive captors.

The blasted wall won't hold up much longer!

"I think we should go now."

Another hit vibrated the ground shaking Emoriah's spindling legs like a falling mass of pudding.

Steamed pudding did sound very appeasing. Sweet savory thickness dripping down.....

Another slam hit the wall causing Emoriah to break from her drooling thoughts, as she fell on her skinny arse.

"Ugh you buggers!" Emoriah yelled shaking her fist in the air.

She felt strong hands grab at her waist and pull her to her feet. "Watch your step Miss. Emoriah."

"Hands off wank...." Her voice ran dry as she met Thale's deep blue eyes. "Oh, it's just you."

An amused expression lit his strong handsome features as he stared down at her. "Expecting someone else?"

Someone with strong hands and a cold unwavering stare that froze your insides with a single glare?


"No." Emoriah pushed his bold chest away and jutted her nose in the air.

"Sure...." Another slam vibrated their feet. "Shall we depart your highness?"

"Yes. And don't call me that."

"Than what shall I call you."

What was this plonker's deal?

"Emoriah...what else?"

The puzzling boy said nothing, as he winked his god given eyelashes and turned on his heel. "You will see in time."


Emoriah felt her eyelids droop heavily over her weary eyes, as she slowly nodded on and off to sleep. The aching burn in her scrawny arse had nothing on the diminutive red marks on her face from hard crunchy bugs slamming into her skin.

Oh, the joy.

Emoriah rubbed her tender face on Altair's soft fur his labored breaths moving her thin figure. 

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