Chapter Twenty-Four: Sweet Salivating Steamed Pudding

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The old wood creaked beneath Emoriah's feet as she walked down the dark hallway of the house.

That infamous demanding arse thought he could control her? That she would...... attend to his every bidding?

Ha! Think again!

When she turned a corner a soft light emanated from beneath a door drawing her in like a fly. She stumbled her way through the hallway and stopped when she heard a tearing of cloth below her. She peeped her eyes to her silky emerald dress that hugged her thin figure and groaned in annoyance. She must not have seen the large spiraling nail protruding from the musky walls leaving a giant hole on her hip.

If only her pants weren't disintegrated she wouldn't be showing her undergarments to the whole world!

Grumbling under her breath Emoriah wrapped the cloak tighter around her figure, before grasping the roughly used door handle and opening the door. Light pinged her eyelids as she swept her gaze over the room before her.

Eccentric aged furniture was placed randomly in the room, as if the person who lived here never utilized the space. Underneath its wooden chipped legs was a moth-eaten dusty carpet that must have been long ago a ravishing sight. The light that filled the room came from the crackling fire in front of her giving the space the much-needed warmth.

"What do we have here?" A throaty voice piped.

Emoriah turned and met the gaze of an elderly man with a few missing teeth, and wispy grey hair. She opened her mouth to respond but stopped when she felt a hand grip her shoulder harshly.

She hissed her breath back through her teeth in pain, as the man behind her answered for her.

"He's my attendant."

Emoriah glanced back sharply meeting Kaede's harsh gaze.


But all she got was another agonizing squeeze upon her poor shoulder.

The elderly man studied Emoriah his face furrowed in puzzlement. "And why is he dressed in women's clothing?"

"Ah, yes. We got ourselves in a quandary lost our clothing. Unfortunately, in his case the raiders thought it to be amusing to take the clothing from his back. Only left him this dress. So, is there any clothing you can spare to fix his unsuitable appearance."

Emoriah raised her brows in disbelief.

Did he just ask that man politely?

"I won't have my attendant looking so unkept!"

Emoriah covered her ears from Kaede's booming voice and grinned. Nope he's still in there.

"Ah, I see. Poor lad. Come here let me see your size." The balding man demanded, wagging a wrinkled finger in her direction. Emoriah stepped from the door way and made her way to him rubbing her aching shoulder with her hand.

Gosh his hold was forceful!

Her dragons chirped lowly from the cloak, as the man turned her this way and that, before leaving the room mumbling. "Thieves these days."

Once the door clicked shut behind his heel Emoriah swirled around and glared hotly at Kaede. "Attendant. You introduced me as a servant! That doesn't make any sense. You're my bodyguard!"

Kaede stared at her with a bored expression upon his face, as she yelled at him. When she finished puffing she crossed her arms and took a deep breath. "Why did you do it?"

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