Chapter Twenty-Nine: Giants in Pampers

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A thunderous clamoring snap erupted the silent unwavering air, as the towering giant above splintered the tree trunk held it its meaty hands.

"Climb the tree." A deep voice demanded in Emoriah's mind

Emoriah didn't need to glance in Kaede's direction to know his penetrating gaze was already at her back. Emoriah shook from her stupor and lead Altair away from the dopey gaze of the giant. Glancing behind her shoulder she spotted Cole's frozen terrified expression and she huffed indignantly.

She couldn't leave his undefended arse behind.

"Cole!" She whispered harshly. "Over here."

Cole snapped his head towards her and blinked slowly in her direction.

Oh, come 'on!

Rolling her eyes, she waved her hand hurriedly at him. "Get over here."

What are you doing? I told you to scale that tree!

I'm getting there. Hold your horses.

I will hold nothing. Now climb a tree you brainless fool.

I heard you. Now hush it flapdoodle.

Emoriah felt Kaede's powering mind slip away from hers, as he left as silently as he appeared.

Good riddance.

"What are you doing?" Emoriah looked up at the familiar phrase only to sight Cole's terrified expression.

"We're climbing a tree." Emoriah glanced up to the thick massive tree above its daunting branches groaning against the heavy breeze overhead. "Do you possibly know how to climb a tree?"

Cole shrugged loosely. "I can barely walk without falling."

"That's because of your element." Emoriah snapped her fingers together, as a grin blossomed across her lips. "That's it. You can fly us up there. I mean you can do that, right?"

Cole glanced up fearfully with wide blue eyes his golden hair rustled by the slight breeze. "I haven't learned how to use my element."

Surely it couldn't be any more difficult then controlling her own fire....right?

"Cole close your eyes and shift through the feelings in your stomach. Do you feel anything?"

Cole shook his golden head and scrunched his eyelids tighter in concentration. "Wait, I feel something in my lungs. Something tight, and pressurized."

"That's it. Release it."

Emoriah watched in amazement as Cole shot fifteen feet up in the air effortlessly and grabbed at a dwindling branch above. "I-I did it."

"Yes, you did. Now fly me up."

Emoriah glanced nervously around her watching as only more triumphant giants appeared from the dark foliage, their giddy smiles sending a tremoring fear down her spine.

How delightful.

In the center of the green clearing stood Kaede with his back erect and a sharp flashing sword in his hand. Beside him stood Shay with her arms stretching a nocked arrow in place. Tris followed behind them with daggers flipping around his fingers, as he crept ahead with light steps.

The Dyrio horns snarled warningly at the nearing giants from an expansive huddle their tails twitching in patience. Emoriah jumped down from Altair and grabbed at his furry neck to pull his towering head to meet her gaze.

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