Chapter Twenty-Two: The Departed Fiery Tendrils

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"Blast! Blast! Blast! Where is it?"

Emoriah threw dress upon dress on the ground followed with corsets, and petticoats, as they littered the floor in exquisite colors. She groaned and drug her nimble fingers through the mane of her hair catching a few knots on the way.

She couldn't find her fathers chest. The chest that carried Xavier her book. "Where could it be? She checked the bed and the wardrobe.

Where could that bloody chest be?

Just then a knock sounded at her door followed by a sweet voice. "Miss? I heard you're leaving? May I help you pack?"

Emoriah snapped her fingers and grinned.

Of course! Lyra must have put it somewhere.

She ran to the door tripping and sliding over the silky linens deserted on the floor. "Perfect timing. I need to ask you something." Emoriah said, as she opened the door.

Lyra walked in, eyes widening as she took in the scattered gowns lying on the ground. "What frivolous activities occurred in here?"

Emoriah glanced back at the mess and tucked a stray curl behind here ear. "Don't mind that. Did you happen to place a wooden chest anywhere?"

Lyra looked questioningly at her before turning and walking over to Emoriah's wooden tub. She bent her small frame and clutched a familiar chest from beside it. "You mean this one?"

Satisfaction bleed from Emoriah's smile, as she walked over to take the wooden chest from Lyra's slender arms. "Yes, why did you put it all the way over here?"

"I thought it held a certain soap for your face. I'm so sorry your highness." Lyra said, lowering her light green eyes to the floor.

Compassion filled Emoriah's heart as she stared at the frightened elf before her. The elf had grown on her the past few days. Though its possible that Lyra reminded Emoriah of her mother.

She smiled at Lyra, as she grasped the smooth wood of the chest. "Its okay, partially I blame my terrible searching skills."

Comfortable silence fell upon the two, as Emoriah finished her packing while Lyra cleaned the substantial mess on the floor. Emoriah just finished wrapping her cloak around her dress.

Yes, her dress. Sadly, her only pair of pants were disintegrated off her. So, she had no choice but to wear the homely dark green gown from her wardrobe.

A timid voice shattered the silence around them. "Also, Miss, I was sent by Kaede to do something. Something horrible. Oh. Miss!" Lyra exclaimed, clutching her hands to her dress, as a distressed expression portrayed on her sweet face. "He demanded for me to cut your hair."

"Demanded you? That blunt gibface! What's wrong with my hair?" Emoriah exclaimed, fiercely grabbing at her curly locks.

"Oh no Miss, don't say such things. He doesn't mean badly of your hair. He says it would be good to have a disguise for this trip. So, he demanded for a cut and the use of hair dye." Lyra said, tearfully.

Emoriah stared silently at the distressed elf contemplating over her words carefully.

He wanted her to cut her hair! Then dye it!  Didn't he know this was her only beauty! 

The only feature that made her feel like a girl? That pigeon-livered fopdoodle! She wasn't going to simply bow at his demands and proceed to his every wish.

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