Chapter Nine: Sweet Chocolate Delight

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^^Another picture of Emoriah

Emoriah bit deeply into her soft chocolate treat, as she leaned back in her chair sighing in content.

Good heavens. She needed more chocolate in her life.

People chatted and laughed all around their voices traveling to Emoriah's ears, before being washed away by the crashing waves. She could tell some were yapping about her by their circled groups and hushed whispers.

Bunch of daft cows if you asked her.

Emoriah glanced over the fake-cheery faces in distaste, before taking another lip-smacking bite from her gooey delight captured between her two hands.

Why couldn't people be like chocolate? Sweet, and an utterly delightful companion.

Shaking her head in sorrow she wiped her hand over her lips catching the stray chunks of melted chocolate that snuck away from her mouth.

In reality, people were rotten eggs.

"Hey, this seat available?"

Emoriah looked up from her mouth-watering dessert to meet the haughty green eyes of a teenage boy.

How terrific.

"No, it's taken."

Emoriah looked back down to her chocolate morsel ready to engage in another chewy bite when the boy's voice spoke yet again.

"By who? May I ask?"

Bugger!! Will he just leave already!

"By my feet. Now if you'll excuse me I'm rather busy at the moment.... if you can't tell." Emoriah stated, raising her chocolate treat into the air.

The boy's smile turned slowly into a frown at her rejection. "Ah...okay I'll go then. Bye." The golden-haired boy mumbled, before quickly hurrying away in embarrassment.

Finally, she had the blissful peace she wanted. No bothersome flies distracting her from eating her chocolate delight. And no arse-headed boys with egos larger than she wanted to mention. Sweet heavenly peace oh how...

"There you are!"

Ah, prat.

Emoriah opened her eyes yet again, though this time she met the dark chocolate eyes of her friend Raven. She dropped her sweet into her lap, as relief over-flooded her annoyance.

"Yes, here I am. Where have you been?"

Raven fell into a chair beside Emoriah with a groan, as she brought her foot up to her lap for a rub.

"Don't even get me started. I was held captive by Neal."

"Who's Neal?"

Raven dropped her foot with a resounding thud, as she scampered underneath the table with her yellow dress flaring behind her.

"He's my Ex and he's coming over here!" Raven spirited out, from beneath the cumbersome plastic table.

Emoriah glanced up and spotted a tall daunting teenage boy heading towards her. His skin was tanned nicely accenting his bright blue eyes, and light blonde locks.

He was rather handsome in a chiseled sort of way, though from the light smirk on his lips and the cocky gleam in his eyes Emoriah felt a certain bristled annoyance for the boy she never had the time to meet.

"What do I say?"

"Anything! Just get him to go away."

There was a lot of things Emoriah had in mind that could have him running. If only they weren't in the joyful setting of this dreadful party.

"Raven, why don't you just come..." A sharp pinch at her heel had Emoriah smacking her lips tightly together in pain.

That twit!

Emoriah kicked the table with her other foot earning a small squeal from Raven.

"Hello love, I'm looking for Raven. I saw her make way over here. Will you point to me where she went? We have rather unfinished business we must discuss." A deep masculine voice crooned.

Love? Who did this plonker think he was?

Emoriah snapped her gaze away from the table beside her and stared at the awaiting boy in front of her with an unamused expression splayed upon her face.

"Look here, sir... no one calls me love. End of story. And your discussion with Raven..." Emoriah glanced him up and down distastefully. "It will never be finished not with me still around. So, do yourself a favor and skedaddle. Bye Bye." Emoriah waved her hands at Neal's irritated back, before grabbing another chocolate delicacy from the yellow table.

Oh, how utterly scrumptious and...

"Is he gone?"

Emoriah swallowed the thick melted sweetness down her throat, as she searched for Neal's vanishing back. "Yep."

"Oh, thank the heavens!" Raven exclaimed as she crawled out from beneath the table like a mad-women. "He's an absolute control freak, and a wretched boyfriend. Thank you, Emoriah."

Emoriah waved her hand and patted the seat beside her. "Sit down before you overwork yourself."

Raven toppled back into the chair and grabbed herself a chocolate treat. "I rather dislike dancing."

For the next few dwindling sunny hours, they chatted about the horrors occurred when dancing. Their list could go on for miles.


Emoriah brushed her foot over the icy water flowing from the crashing waves, as the sand froze her toes with every sunken step. Asita flew overhead her scales gleaming softly against the last rays of the day.

Emoriah watched as Asita dived in the air twittering in excitement, as she caught plenty of fat crunchy bugs between her sharp little teeth.

Emoriah called to Asita observing the graceful swoops of her slender wings, as she landed on her arm. Scratching underneath the dragon's scaly chin, and swollen stomach filled with buzzing delights she voiced her thoughts.

"What now? It feels like there is something I need to do. Like something is itching deep inside that I can't quite reach."

Asita stared at her with bright cerulean eyes, as silence filled the air.

Great, now her dragon wasn't even talking to her.

Emoriah parted her lips ready to let out the flurried pressure building inside her when the sand disappeared from beneath her feet in a spilling flow.

Emoriah screamed and clutched Asita's leathery body, as they both tumbled down into the ebbing cold darkness beneath them.


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Till next time:))

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