Chapter fourteen: One Arse-Headed Bodyguard

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Bright lights pricked her eyes, as she glanced frighteningly around. Rows of wooden benches and stands surrounded the walls of the rooms. At least twenty men were in the room.

Fear struck something in her, but something overpowered it. Courage maybe? Lifting her chin up and squaring her shoulder she felt herself walk in.

Their stares burned her skin as if slashing her with a hot whip. They looked her on with dark blue eyes some darker than others. She walked in a steady pace clenching her fists to control her emotions.

There was a table at the end of the room where they all sat. A grandiose table of wood taking up most of the room. Facing the table was a small chair. Most likely her spot. She sat down on it and clamped her hands together tightly.

Someone cleared their throat catching Emoriah's attention. He was a middle-aged man with dark hair and blue eyes. In fact, they all had dark hair and blue eyes.

What was this? A new Arian cult?

"Miss......" The man looked at her expectantly.

"Emoriah." She whispered, hoarsely. She cleared her throat with a cough and said it again. "My name is Emoriah."

"Well, Miss, Emoriah. It seems that we have an issue of you proclaiming to be the daughter of our late King Caunion." The man said, clasping his fingers together.

Whispers echoed down from the table eyebrows raised in unbelief. She glanced over to see Balin sitting two seats away from the man smirking in an irritating way.

She cleared her throat again wishing she drank more water. "Yes, my father is Caunion."

At her words, men sprung from the table. "She lies!" "Yes! Look at her hideous hair. Our Lorde Caunion had no such disturbing appearance."


Emoriah jumped at his voice. Feeling the vibrations down to her core. The man who first spoke looked over them all sternly.

"I did not hire a bunch of children, so I suggest you all sit down." He glanced back at her and smiled. "Miss, Emoriah excuse their poor manners. We....... well let's just say we've been put in a strain recently."

Emoriah nodded and looked down at her feet. She never liked being in the presence of a man. So being in the presence of twenty, well let's just say she was feeling overwhelmed. "Do you have any proof of being related to King Caunion?" He asked.

Emoriah slid the picture of herself from her shift. Remembering placing it there just in case this question was asked. "Yes, my father had this picture in his office. Balin found it for me." She said, glancing at Balin.

The man gestured with his finger towards Balin, telling him to receive the picture. Balin stuck his nose in the air and walked up to her like he owned the place.

He looked like a peacock strutting with his feathers out. She almost giggled but hid it behind a cough. He took the picture from her fingers and gave it to the man before sitting down.

The man peered down at the picture puzzlement on his face. He flipped it over then understanding filled his eyes. He looked up at her and smiled. "I see that you were telling the truth. Princess."

He got up from the table and walked over to her in elegant grace, before bowing low at her feet. At the sight of him bowing the rest of the men hurriedly followed suit and bowed. Their heads bobbing like a pigeon.

Emoriah stared at them strangely amused. "So, what now?"

The men all raised themselves up with marvelous fluidity and sat back down in their seats.

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