Chapter Ten: Mother of Four

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Deep throbbing pain clung to her muscles as she landed harshly on a soft pile of fallen sand. Emoriah raised her neck and coughed out the small grits of sand that coated her dry throat.

Blimey! Where was she?

Emoriah felt hot tears stream down her flushed cheeks from her dry hacking earlier, as she pushed herself to her trembling feet. Her red fiery necklace was the only illumining light in the cave she had tumbled in.

Emoriah felt a slight fear hit her chest, as she looked above her examining the extensive height she had fallen. It seemed night had approached for the entrance above was dark despite the twinkling stars winking from the heavens.

Emoriah glided her fingertips over the rough uneven earth wall before a daunting memory rushed it's way back through her mind.


Emoriah fell to her knees and ran her fingers over the soft sand searching for her dragon. Worry tightened coldly in her chest like frozen drops of fallen rain, as she felt her breaths quicken in pace.

As she neared the other end of the dirt wall her fingers graced a scaly tail attached to a small body. Clutching the dragon to her chest she sank to her arse and leaned against the sodden wall.

Was she alive?

Emoriah shined her fiery necklace over Asita's scales and examined her petite frame. It seemed she had hit her head slightly on the tumble down, but she was definitely alive. Breathing deeply in relief Emoriah closed her eyes and soaked up the musty earth air around them.

Blast! Now, what was she to do?

Emoriah groaned irritably as she stood back to her foozling feet. She softly slid her precious cargo into her pocket, before glancing around the dark haunting room

There had to be a way out.....

Emoriah placed her hand on the smooth dirt wall and walked along feeling for an exit out. Suddenly her hand touched open-air sending her tumbling less graceful than she desired to the floor.

Cursing she stood to her feet and held her necklace further away from her. A tunnel void of any light stood barely illuminated in the scarlet shine.

Emoriah felt her foot take a step further in the dusky tunnel before her mind reeled back to the present.

There was no way in hell she was going in there.

Though her body seemed to ignore her thoughts, as she felt her feet step further and further in the shady gloom.

Blast! Blast! Blast!!

What the hells was wrong with her?

Something tugged on her heart from within the shadows of the hall pulling at her heartstrings as a sirens call. Clutching Asita's thin leathery body between her slender hands she cursed softly to herself.

Minutes tolled by as fast as she hesitantly measured pace. The looming shadows ahead gave daunting visions to were to the tunnel may lead out only further spreading Emoriah's anxiety.

Asiata now awakened and alarmed of their whereabouts laid curled in Emoriah's pocket like a frightened kitten.

Jollocks! For all, she knew this tunnel could lead to a lair of bloodthirsty crocs.

Turning another dingy bend, she spotted white light ahead. Excitement stole her next breath, as she quickened her steps to be released from the cold grasping darkness.

Stepping from the shadows with her diminutive hand covering her eyes Emoriah examined the sight before for her.

Bloody..... hell.

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