Chapter Twenty-Five: Paddling over Flesh Eating Monsters

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A rapid knock thundered through Emoriah's dreams spiraling her to wake up. Emoriah blinked from the light that pinged her eyes and glanced down at the occupants curled on her chest.

Asita's small frame was wrapped around the new baby dragon cocooning her from the bitter air slithering in from the window. Emoriah rubbed Shula's red scales across her snout feeling a warm heat at her fingertips.

Emoriah glanced over to the empty side of the bed and frowned.

Why didn't Shay wake her?

Another solid tap sounded from outside her door reminding her that there was still an impatient presence awaiting her.

"Hold on. I'm coming."

Taking the drowsy dragons off her chest she makes her way towards the door. Behind the wooden door stood the one companion Emoriah never properly met.

Kaede's friend Tris.

Emoriah studied the muscular man in front of her quite confused, when a light shade of red blushed across his cheeks. Emoriah followed his embarrassed gaze to her thin white nightgown fitted over her figure.

Gosh, if the men here went to a typical beach in Australia, they would die from a heart attack.

Nevertheless, her dress was still seen through. Crossing her arms, she raised a small brow up at him. "Well?"

Tris coughed avoiding her eyes, as he ran a hand through his short black hair.

"Kaede sent me to fetch you. Said we weren't staying long enough for you to hibernate." He choked loudly at his last words, as he stared at her with wide blue eyes.

"Forgive me your highness. Those were his words not mine."

Hibernate huh.

"It's fine." Emoriah said smiling in his direction, before setting her smile in a straight line.

"Though where is your mate? So, I can have a few friendly morning words with him."

Tris smirked widely, as he set his hands in his trousers. "Just friendly words Miss?"

Emoriah shoved his muscular chest from the door frame and closed the door on his face his laugh still ringing in her ears.


She ran a hand through her short curls and growled.

Me hibernating? That pompous fopdoodle!

Twittering from her famished dragons brought her attention away from the cold eyes she was picturing in her head.

Though it would be nice to come up with all the things she could do to kill that son of a biscuit!

Emoriah changed from her gown and pulled the black trousers over her spindly legs. As she pulled her brown tunic over her head a massive sneeze flew out of Shula's snout followed by a large ball of fire.

Amos's and Asita's shrieks filled the air, as the fire ate away at the sheets on the bed. Emoriah rolled her eyes at their dramatics and grabbed her thick boots to stomp out the dancing flames from growing.

Shula didn't seem fazed at the fire she caused, as she yawned and tucked her head for a little snooze.

Emoriah examined the charred sheets covering the bed sourly.

There was no fixing this disaster. Just bloody fantastic.

Emoriah scooped the scarlet dragon laying at the foot of the bed and tucked her in one of the pockets of her cloak, before turning to grab her leather bag from the floor.

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