Chapter Forty-Three: Living a Nightmare

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Shimmering flares of light flicked from creamy melted candles presenting the ballroom in an iridescent glow of splendor.

Or a living nightmare.

Emoriah flickered her eyes up in a daze and admired the glistening glass sparkling from the grandiose chandelier above her. The warmth in her stomach purred at the sight of the orange flames dancing along with the enthusiastic dancers gliding across the floor.

She relished in the comfort the flames brought to her senses, with a half-tilted smile at her lips.

Perhaps she needed a little distraction to escape? For her bloody feet were throbbing already.

"And what are your thoughts, your highness?" A nasally voice asked, snapping Emoriah back to the present.


"Your thoughts on the expansion of the school?" A stout man said again, with his thick mustache twitching in irritation.

Was it just her...or did the man look to much like a fuzzy buck-toothed beaver?

"I suppose the expansion will be helpful for the new and current students enrolled, but..." Emoriah said, with a sly smile approaching headfirst upon her lips. "If one is to alter and change the school for the better...well I believe there is another way to do so."

"And that is?" The furry man asked, with a puzzled expression on his face.

Emoriah fought the urge to roll her eyes, as many other wandering ears perked up at her words.

Could one learn to mind their own business??

Bringing her eyes back towards the scrunched frill of the man's eyebrows she smiled somewhat charmingly, before opening her mouth.

"To accept females, of course."

Well rounded jaws dropped in surprise at her words followed by a dramatic chorus of gasps.

Ha! She should have escaped when she had the chance.

"Er..wha..oh are serious?" Said the bushy man, who had yet to state his name.

"Yes, very much so."

A few dreadful seconds drizzled by, before a sincerely disgusted expression overcame the pudgy man.

"Bah! That's atrocious! There is no room in that highly valued school for feeble-minded woman. To add to that women will never hold the potential to bond with a dragon. For their minds are too weak and too frail!"

Blinding rage shot through Emoriah's blood coursing and boiling the fire within her.

Blasted twat!!

Before Emoriah could pummel the fat-headed fool in front of her a thin hand clutched firmly down on her arm.

"Watch your tongue, Lorde Pegington. For I do have a female, as a daughter." King Caunion, whispered darkly, towards the now reddened man.

Lorde Pegington... Or Lorde piggytown... flushed a profusely red color, before twiddling with his dark tailcoat nervously.

"Oh, please forgive me, your highness."

Emoriah accepted his half attempt of an apology with a scowl, before scooping the scarlet silk of her gown between her fingers. "Father, will you excuse me? I rather not hear more boorish facts being sprouted from an insensitive pig."

Lorde Pegington's beady eyes shone brightly in anger at her words, as another clause of horrified gasps made its rounds again.

Emoriah barely spotted her father's mouth opening to reply, before she scurried away in a frenzy.

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