Chapter Thirty-Seven: In Search of a Guilty Culprit

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Emoriah wiped the hot trails of sweat that slid down her cheeks with the back of her hand.

Trust no one? She didn't even have trust for herself.

Pushing her weight on the soft cloth in her hands she scrubbed the thick redness that tainted her wall. The heavy silence in the air pricked at her mind and sent a shaky feeling to her stomach.

It wasn't just the thickly sweet blood painted across the marbled wall it was the very familiarity of the words. A certain phrase that was whispered to her ear only yesterday.

A handsome boy with brightly blue veiled eyes popped it way into her mind.

Prat! It couldn't be.....

Dropping the cloth in her lap she squeezed it tightly between her fists.

Why would Thale write this?

That bloody prick!!

Glancing down at her hands and the dried bloody mess they appeared she wondered if she might have finally lost her sanity.

What was she thinking?!

That Thale was the one to do this? That he broke into her room and brushed blood on her wall like any horrifying Halloween psycho.

No! It just couldn' him.

Sighing deeply through her nose she stood from the bed and marched speedily towards the water basin next door with only one fleeting thought in her head.

Who was the bloody culprit?


Scarlett drops of water pooled down her legs like red vines and splashed at her feet, as she furiously scrubbed at her caked hands. Her fingers worked on their own as they scratched and rubbed at her skin in a frenzy.

Pushing the thought of another human's blood splattered on her skin she wrapped her frame in a soft plush towel.

You are going to need some masculine help, dear.

Emoriah stumbled back in surprise at the familiar voice that graced her mind the night before, alas she had thought it to be only a dream.

Crikey! Don't do that.

My apologies your highness, I did not mean to startle you.

Emoriah padded her way back to her room, as water dripped from her soaked tendrils dampening the floor as she passed.

Ha! Of course, you didn't. Now what do you want?

A soothing chuckle erupted in Emoriah's mind followed closely by the ever so annoying phrase. No need to be discourteous, dear. Remember I am you and you are me. It's all rather simple.

Emoriah rolled her eyes, before picking up her pace. Yes, because everyone can hear nameless voices in their minds. Oh yes, how simple!

Tsk tsk only you are special enough to hear me, dearie.

Lucky me.

Now listen. I hear you are in a predicament and all I can say is you will need the aid of a masculine figure.

Masculine figure my arse!

Ah, I see...

What do you see!!

You are afraid of men.

I-I'm not afraid!!

All is well dearie. I have seen your future and you will grow to be the most desirous woman in Ari.

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