Chapter Forty-Seven: Hasty Goodbyes

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~ Two weeks later. ~

Beads of dying sunlight warmed Emoriah's toes, as she wiggled them freely in the air.

No tight silken slippers!

No thick wool socks!!

Her feet were free at last!!!

Emoriah breathed in the fresh sweet air, with a small smile on her face. The soft lush grass around her stood erected and unbending reminding her of a certain cold man she had yet to corner.

She had tried to capture that tosser for two weeks!! But somehow, he had always kept his towering frame hidden from her eye. It's as if he's..avoiding her.

Blast!! But what reason could he have!! She had thought he was ordered to guard her innocent little self!! Not hideaway in the shadows.

Emoriah ran her nimble fingers through the tangled short mess of her hair, before looking up towards the sky in irritation. A spread of light pinks and bright oranges streaked the clouds above, as the hot sun began to sink towards the horizon.

Well, she would just have to pull another fantastic idea from that inquisitive mind of hers! Because her patience was dwindling to nonexistent.

Emoriah stretched her back against the soft grass, with a yawn approaching fast. Though it was only minutes away from six in the evening a humid heat clung to the air and seeped through her blasted dress. Emoriah scrunched her nose in disgust as she felt diminutive drops of sweat drip down her back.

Oh, how she wished for a pair of trousers!!

But instead, she was held captive within this wretched thick gown that clung to her legs like molasses!!

Beside Emoriah sprawled just as identically against the cool crunch of the grass laid Willow. A fierce friendship had grown between the two, over the past weeks. Perhaps it was how their personalities had clinked instantly those many months ago. Or maybe of a certain understanding of losing their mother to death. Whatever the reasoning Emoriah was relieved to have met the sweet girl beside her.

"Do they bite?" Willow soft voice whispered, pulling Emoriah from her thoughts.

Emoriah spotted the widened green eyes of her friend, as Willow watched her dragons flutter and zip around them.

Only if provoked. Asita crooned, across her mind.

Stop that.

Stop what?

Emoriah rolled her eyes, as she watched her raven scaled dragon peer down on them eerily.

Smiling. You're scaring my friend.

Asita fluttered her leathery black wings against the wind, as she landed elegantly on Emoriah's stomach.

Friend? I spot no friend.

Emoriah swatted the little beasties head before a scowl grew on her lips.


As you wish, master. Asita snipped, sarcastically, before scurrying across Emoriah's gown with her sharp talons.

Emoriah felt a snort of amusement arise in her chest, as a frightened expression grew on Willow's fair face. Feeling the need to ease the girl's fears Emoriah snatched her devilish creature between her palms and held the raven dragon towards Willow's frozen frame.

"Willow, may I introduce my first and most sneaky little fiend, Asita the raven dragon." Emoriah exclaimed dramatically, before instantly earning a sharp pain on her thumb.

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