Chapter three: coffee and goodbyes

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I'm back sooner than planned. The beginning of this book moves slowly. But don't worry once she's off. She's off!! I don't know about you....... but rereading this makes me hungry for a scone and a hot coffee. Anyways enjoy.
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^ her necklace.

The sweet tangy aroma of coffee mingled in Emoriah's nose, as she follows her mother into the Black Bean Cafe. She glances around curiously before being satisfied fully that they were alone.

She walks over to the register and places her clammy hands on the cool glass case of pastries marveling, as it calmed her trembling nerves.

Croissants sprinkled with powdered sugar, and fruits dipped in chocolate decorated the large case beneath her fingers.

She licked her lips at the sight of the chocolate and creme filling feeling her saliva grow thick from the delicacies.

Tempting indeed.

Her mother found a quaint table in the corner of the shop and sat down, before gesturing for Emoriah to join her.

Emoriah slid her fingers reluctantly from the glass and made her way over.

Hopefully, her mind will be in peace after this.

She grabbed the back of the chair across from her mother and sat down on the plush cushion laying against it.

Silence sat comfortably between them, as Emoriah studied her mother. The dark lighting didn't help them to hide the deep circles around her mother's eyes or blur out the wrinkles that appeared just recently.

"Well?" Emoriah demanded to break the silence.

Her mom sighed before taking the brown package from her duffle and handing it across the table. Emoriah took the paper object and ran her fingers over the rough material before glancing up.

"What is it?" Emoriah watches her mother study her face before laying a soft hand on hers.

"It was going to be your seventeenth birthday present from your father."

Emoriah glances back down to the package in her hands and furrows her brows for she had only yet just turned fifteen.

Hooking a finger under the loose paper she ripped it open revealing a gorgeous wooden chest with a name engraved into it.

She ran her finger over the chest feeling the cool wood beneath her fingertips until she reached the lock. She flicked the rustic lock up and opened the chest.

Laying in the middle of the chest was a bright necklace burning a fiery red much like the necklace laying against her mother neck.

Beside it was a book; an ancient book with a leather cover and string binding. Emoriah glances back up at her mother puzzled.

"Why did father give me these?"

A sly grin beckons at the corners of her mother's lips, as she shakes her head.

"Another time."

No. She was not going to be kept in the dark anymore. She had the right to know what was going on!

"Mother you said no more secrets. Just tell me." Emoriah pleaded, feeling disgusted with herself.

Her mother's hand left hers, as she twisted them around together nervously.

"Emoriah the more you learn about yourself. The bigger you will be as a target. So, please just ask simpler questions."

Emoriah remembered the gaze of the golden-eyed man recalling how he just wanted her.

What was so special about her? She was a plain jane. An unsociable inadequate girl who had no friends or a father.

Fine. So, her mother only wanted an easy question. Well, she had one alright.

"What is an Adar?"

Her mother flicked her eyes around Emoriah's face before sighing.

"Alright, you got me. An Adar is one of the dark creatures from your father's world."

Emoriah recalled a memory of her mother throwing a flashlight as if it was a devil's knife and hitting it dead on target.

There was no way her mother could have done that without someone teaching her.

"How did you know how to kill it?"

Her mother's lips curled in a small smile, as a bestowed expression splayed across her face.

"Your wonderful father taught me before he left. Just in case something happened."

Emoriah watches as her mother lowers her eyes melancholy, before bringing her bright green eyes back up to meet Emoriah's.
"I'm sending you to my sister's house for the summer while I figure some things out." Her mother says, her eyes sharp.

Emoriah felt her stomach clench tightly knowing her Aunt lived in Australia thousands of miles away from London. Her home.

Her mother's chin was placed into her palm, as she peered at her determinedly. Emoriah opens her mouth to voice her opinions only to be interrupted by her.

"There will be no discussion you are going and that's that."

Emoriah smacked her lips back together and gritted them in irritation.

She couldn't even control her future anymore.

Yet deep down she knew her mother was right. She would be safer further away and for her mother's sake, she would be safer with her gone. Emoriah slouched in her cushion and nodded her head.

"Fine. When is my flight?"

Emoriah's mother moved her arm to the light studying the watch that was latched on to her arm.

"Two hours or so."

Emoriah felt a warm touch at her hands again and she glanced down to see her mothers' hands grasping hers softly.

"I will miss you so much, sweetheart."

A tear slides down Emoriahs cheek staining her pale complexion from her words.

She's sending you away. She's throwing you to her sister.

Emoriah flinches away from her mother's comforting hands in annoyance and reaches for the chest beside her.

She feels her mother's gaze on her, as a depressing air of silence embodies around them. The sound of a chair pulling back arises Emoriah's awareness, as she sees her mother stand up and glance in her direction.

"Ready for your last coffee here?"

Emoriah feels a small smile tug at her lips, as her eyes wander over to the scrumptious pastries locked behind the glass window.

It wouldn't hurt to gorge the delectable mouth-watering sweets for the last time.


Two hours later Emoriah was hugging her tearful mother goodbye and boarding her flight.

Once in the air, Emoriah glances out her window watching, as London disappears behind her in thick mange of clouds.

She leans her sticky forehead against the cool glass of the window feeling a small sob leach from her throat, as she runs her fingers down the glass.

"Goodbye, mother."
Hard times. Hard times. But she's off to Australia!!

Please let me know if I have any errors. I greatly appreciate correction!!

Till next time:))

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