Chapter six: surfing and burning flesh

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An obnoxious thumping beat shook Emoriah from her deep sleep.

Bloody hell.

Emoriah wiped the crust plastered on the corners of her eyelids and yawned widely. She pulled the thick warm comforter over her cold shoulders and glanced tiredly at the open window across from her.

The white curtains covering the opened window rustled silently from the rushing breeze outside, as the thumping music was carried in by the wind.

Emoriah groaned and pulled the comforter away from her weary body in annoyance.

There was no way she was sleeping with that bloody noise outside!

Emoriah grabbed the window to shut it but a certain someone stopped her. Past the spindling trees and the soft sand of the beach was a large bonfire with teens dancing around it.

A familiar teen girl with shiny long black hair danced gracefully on her toes, as her hair curtained behind her in waves. Raven was attired in a simple white gown, as she sang and cheered barefoot.

Another brash beat shook the glass window in her hands. Emoriah rolled her eyes and shut the window carefully, before running back to her bed for warmth.

She needed sleep first.

Emoriah closed her throbbing eyelids and let the dull beat of the music ease her back to sleep.


Emoriah waved her wet hand over the fogged mirror, as she took in her appearance. A white fluffy towel hugged her thin bony frame, as her drenched curls laid on her shoulders in tangles. Around child-like face stared back at her with a button nose and small rosy lips.

Emoriah sighed distastefully and poked her full cheeks with a fingertip.

Why did she look like a twelve-year-old?

Stepping out from her massive bathroom she pulled her favorite pair of rugged jeans on and a Beatles t-shirt over her mangy hair. Ripping a comb quickly through her locks she gave up minutes later, as the tangles only multiplied. Throwing her hair in a messy bun she checked herself in the mirror and scrunched her nose at the horrendous sight.

She looked like a grumpy troll.

Grabbing her fiery necklace, she latched it around her neck and headed towards the kitchen.

"Morning gorgeous." Aunt Jane said, at Emoriah's arrival in the kitchen. Emoriah glanced around the tiled floors, and the white refrigerator shivering slightly from memories of last night.

Something was wrong with that git.

Emoriah sat at the smooth marble table and scooped a hot spoonful of porridge in her mouth. "Where's Jack?"

Jane sat across from her and splayed her fingers over the table.

"He doesn't live here. He lives a few miles west." She replied, her tone clipped and short.

Emoriah opened her mouth to investigate further but a warning glance from her Aunt had her snapping it shut.

Was her Aunt really this scared of him?

"By the way, Raven came by asking for you she's outside. But finish your brekkie before leaving." Jane said, tapping her finger tenderly over Emoriah's cheek, before heading to the back of the house.

Emoriah scooped a heaping mouthful of porridge wincing slightly as the slimy sensation tickled her throat. Once finished she rushed to clean her dish and head outside.

Unshackling the King (The Dragon Lorde #1)Where stories live. Discover now