Chapter Forty-Two: A Battle of Spoons

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Laughter and great commotion filled the dining hall as everyone sat down for breakfast. Servants scurried from room to room arms filled with lavish decorations and enchanting bundles of flowers that glistened in the light. Reminding Emoriah of the ball that was arranged for tonight.

Which she would not be attending!

Scooping the sweet blissful steamed pudding onto her spoon Emoriah stuffed it into her mouth with an obnoxious smack of her lips. Chewing thoughtfully Emoriah barely noticed the gawking stares beside her, as she recalled the dream she had.

Something terrible was heading their way. She was sure of it.

But why was her mother in the dream?

A chilling fear then erupted in her chest sending shivers down her spine and a bitter taste at her tongue.

What if something had happened?

Was her mother dea... no she couldn't be.

How could she sit through a bloody ball with these thoughts whizzing through her head?

A slight nudge at her shoulder brushed her mind back to reality and the sensation of pudding dripping from her lips.

"Something quite important must be on your mind? Penny for your thoughts?" Cole whispered, in her ear.

Emoriah wiped at the brown stain that began to grow on her silky blue gown, before pursing her lips irritatingly up towards the golden-haired boy to her right. "My thoughts are a lot more expensive than that."

Numerous chuckles fled their way from Cole's mouth, as he looked down at her with an amused gleam in his eyes. "It's a metaphor Shirley temple."

"And you're an idiot to think I would tell you what runs through my head, goldilocks."

"Touché." Cold uttered with a wink, before returning his attention back down to his meal.

Emoriah felt a warm smile grow at her lips, as she raised another heaping spoonful of delicious pudding to her mouth.

Scrumptiously perf...

"Would you like a smaller spoon, sister." Sienna's voice crooned. Instantly snapping Emoriah from her dreamy thoughts to a bitterly sour image of the woman across from her. "For it seems your pudding has instead made its way across your face."

Argg, blasted woman!!

At Sienna's statement numerous other heads turned towards her direction expressions filled with disbelief.

Emoriah heard the whispers of the men around the table softly scorn her appearance, as she furiously scrubbed the skin at her cheeks.

"Did you see that!"

"How repulsive!"

"She's a woman? Is she not?"

Emoriah felt the tips of her ears burn as bright as her hair, as the hushed words made their way to her. Pushing the hot boiling anger away Emoriah tilted her chin and met Sienna's vain smirk with a wide smile at her lips.

"Ah, but I think it's you who needs a change of spoons, dear sis. With the size of that utensil you'll be eating here all night."

"Rather that then devouring my food like a greedy pig," Sienna said, as she raised her minuscule golden spoon to her lushly scarlet parted lips.


Where was her bloody knife when she needed it!!

A harsh tug on Emoriah's wooden chair snapped her from her evil thoughts of attacking the vile golden-haired goddess in front of her.

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