Chapter Thirty-One: Adar Shish Kebab

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"Cole, I swear to you. If you make it out of here alive we will be having a very in-depth discussion!" Kaede gritted out, from beside Emoriah.

She watched as Kaede shifted his weight silently his tall nimble figure hiding her own.

When did he get there......

Smiling sympathetically towards Cole Emoriah stepped to her left and away from Kaede's daunting protection, with her blade high up in the air.

"Drop your weapons." A tall brunette man demanded, in front of them.

"And why would I?"

Emoriah snapped her neck to the right, as Kaede's un-moving cold voice froze the air around them.

"If you hadn't noticed you are outnumbered. There are.... let me see.... there is no more than four of us for one of you." The tall Adar sneered and laughed along with his fellow evil birdies, before he pulled a slender wickedly sharp weapon from his side. "So, I suggest you all to put your weapons down now and line up in orderly fashion."

"No, I rather not."

The man slowly blinked his luminous golden eyes at Kaede's icy words, as if not fully comprehending his refusal.

"Wha.... what is this! I said put down your weapons!"

Emoriah rolled her eyes and grinned at the many towering figures before her.

They never learned.

Kaede moved closer to the Adar with slow predatory steps. His eyes glinting slightly in annoyance, as he grabbed firmly on to the collar of the man's white shirt.

"I think you heard me quite clearly."

Then as quick as lighting Kaede slashed his sword through the Adar's gut blood streamed and pooled from the wound, before the man fell to his knees with a groan. Emoriah watched in fascination, as Kaede slammed the butt of his sword at the Adar's head instantly knocking out the guy.

That's one way to do it.

Emoriah almost laughed at the outraged and confused expressions dancing across the enemies faces. But that was all before chaos broke the ebbing silence around them.

She gripped her sharp little blade tighter, as the men before her transformed from their human-like flesh to small puffs of feathers, with wickedly gleaming beaks.

Oh, drat.

Emoriah felt her dragons sense her thoughts, as they crawled from their warm pockets and rubbed their scaly necks on her soft skin. Shula hissed fiercely towards the looming bird men her eyes bright and flashing, as a hot stream of smoke spiraled out from her nostrils.

What should she do....

Emoriah glanced around and spotted a hot poker protruding out from the fiery flames of the fireplace.

Now that could do some damage.

There will be no impairment done today by a woman such as you. Get over there by that fabricated couch and hide. Kaede's cold voice demanded sharply, in her brain.

Woman such as me? That wanker!!

Listen here you arse-headed ninny-poop! I'm fighting!

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