Chapter Forty: Missing in the Night

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I'm back!! I'm so sorry for the wait its been way longer than I planned. Hope you can all forgive me!! Anyways enjoy!!

and don't forget to tap on that lil star down below!

-------------------------------------------------------Emoriah flickered her eyes open with a strangled gasp upon her lips, as her conscious mind left the terrifying dream behind.

So much...blood.

So much death.

How darkly submerged were her thoughts, truly?

A sweet breeze of fresh air brushed the curly locks from her brow, as it rushed and swirled from an open glass window. Emoriah knew where she was the moment her eyes frantically opened.

The pristine creamy beds laid out in numerous rows awaiting their wounded companions was definitely a sore sight for her eyes. But since the lack of war and blood on this dear island this very room spoke clear silence for many years.

Emoriah swiveled her eyes away from blinding white sheets to her left and spotted a rather odd-looking bed to her right. Unlike the sharp folds and smoothly placed sheets of the other beds, this bed was ruffled and wrinkled with a blood-tattered pillow sited in the middle.

The very sight of it sent her mind reeling back to her last memories, of Thale tumbling like a stone from her window and her falling not to long after that.

It couldn't be....she wouldn't believe it.

Thale was...dead?

Emoriah winced as she rose her arm and traced the thin bump at the back of her neck recalling the sharp blinding pain it brought.

Bloody did she survive?

A nuzzled weight on her chest instantly answered her heavy thought, as she glanced down and spotted five brightly scaled dragons scattered across her frame.

Ah, of course.

Their iridescent eyes blinked open the moment she stiffly pushed her body into a sitting position. A shrill shriek of joy broke the eerie silence in the massive room, as Asita's shimmering black head nuzzled Emoriah's bare calf.

Don't ever scare us again, Emoriah.

Emoriah felt a laugh bubble in her chest, as she scooped her three chittering beasts into her arms.

"I'll try not to." She mused.

A sharp pain at her finger followed her words and had Emoriah snapping her gaze to the scarlet scaled dragon to her right.

"Bloody hell dragon! What was th..."

But an intense warning burned within Shula's golden gaze abruptly stealing away the rest of Emoriah's words.

Emoriah sighed with a roll of her eyes, before stroking Shula's hot scales with her fingertips. She didn't desire to die so young, nor did she mean to rattle her dragons so. But it seemed wherever she went trouble followed.

How misfortune enjoyed her miserable company.....

She had no idea.

The other two glimmering dragons by her feet were oddly familiar. She examined them, as they playful chased and nipped on another.

One of the beasts glowed like the golden rays of the sun and held a certain prideful gleam within its eyes. Emoriah sensed the gloating masculinity in this little creature the moment her eyes graced his proud stance.

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